
Wednesday, March 12, 2014

While America crumbles the Senate bumbles..."another attempt to prop up a failing meme. Man-caused global warming is a hoax being perpetrated on the American people and the American economy and is nothing more than massive scheme to redistribute wealth from wealthy nations to poor ones and into the pockets of select globalist corporations."

Democratic Global Warming Legerdemain

by Bob Livingston

Senate Democrats spent Monday night on a massive distraction campaign.

After final votes in the Chamber had taken place, 28 climate alarmists pulled a political stunt “to raise public awareness about global warming and how to stem it.” A compliant media went into overdrive to publicize the event.

The campaign served three purposes. First, it provided a distraction from the ongoing failure of President Barack Obama to extricate himself from the Ukraine crisis he, his State Department and various non-governmental organizations created on behalf of the EU and globalist power brokers.

Second, it provided a distraction from the ongoing failure of Obamacare, the ongoing global economic malaise caused by money printing and myriad scandals threatening to envelop the regime of the undocumented White House usurper: Internal Revenue Service targeting of conservatives, Benghazi, Fast and Furious, National Security Agency spying, gun running to terrorists, drone-bombing innocents and American citizens without due process, etc.

Third, it was yet another attempt to prop up a failing meme. Man-caused global warming is a hoax being perpetrated on the American people and the American economy and is nothing more than massive scheme to redistribute wealth from wealthy nations to poor ones and into the pockets of select globalist corporations.

The climate alarmists’ legerdemain doubtless has David Copperfield envious.


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