
Monday, March 24, 2014

Feminists make Nazis proud...

Twitter Feminists Campaign to #KillAllMen

Violent, ugly, authoritarian face of mainstream feminism exposed yet again

Paul Joseph Watson

Underscoring once again how many feminists have misappropriated the women’s rights movement into an excuse for hating men, Twitter was once again flooded yesterday by a number of users who expressed their desire to #killallmen.

Imagine the outrage if a group of male bigots had descended on the social network to promote the trend #killallwomen – accounts would be deleted and feminists would be up in arms at such a brazen display of misogyny.

However, when the shoe is on the other foot, violent man-hating rhetoric is apparently perfectly acceptable.

Casually joking about the genocide of an entire gender was justified in the minds of feminists for a number of reasons, including the horror of a man asking for a woman’s phone number...

Read the rest here:

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