
Wednesday, September 21, 2011

These warm-mongers are going to kill us yet...

Climate 'science' gone wild: UK researchers to pump toxic sulfates into sky to promote global cooling

Jonathan Benson

Deniers of geo-engineering, or man-made weather manipulation, truly are the real conspiracy theorists, as climate "scientists" have once again openly admitted that they have the technology to alter weather at will. And a recent piece in Scientific American highlights a new geo-engineering endeavor being undertaken by UK scientists, who plan to pump toxic sulfate particles into the sky to supposedly thwart natural sunlight back into space, and ultimately prevent the earth from "warming."

The report explains that the Stratospheric Particle Injection for Climate Change Engineering (SPICE) program (yes, this is a real program that confirms the existence of "chemtrails") has been given $30,000 to build a giant pipe that spews water and sulfates a mile up into the stratosphere. Supported at the end by a giant "stadium-size hydrogen balloon," the pipe will allegedly mimic the effects of a volcanic eruption, which the team building it insists will help to "cool" the earth.

The obvious idiocy of such a ridiculous project would be laughable if it were not for the fact that money, presumably derived from taxpayers, is going to be used to pump the sky with toxic particles. Any supposed "reflection" of sunlight back into space that might occur by such actions (a hypothesis that is highly disputed and is most likely a myth ) will hardly make up for the damage done to our skies in the name of climate science.

Nevertheless, the team plans to move full-steam ahead with the project, regardless of its environmental impact. And if initial tests are successful, the team plans to develop a larger version of the device that reaches 20 kilometers, or about 12.5 miles, into the sky.

Besides the strangeness of the project itself, the Scientific American report's admission that airplanes have already been used as one of the delivery modes for sulfate particles in the past also confirms the existence of chemtrails, or the deliberate aerosol seeding of the sky by planes with unknown particles.

The report clearly cites Russia as a purveyor of chemtrails back in 1999, and also talks about how the new pipe project will cost less than what it would cost to "launch thousands of high-altitude aircraft" into the sky for spraying purposes.

In reality, though, "high-altitude aircraft" chemtrail operations have been taking place for years. But in order to gradually condition the public into accepting the concept itself as normal, government and media are pretending as though chemtrails are not yet widely used, while simultaneously admitting that the technology exists (after denying it for years). Their end goal, of course, is to systematically convince the public that poisoning the sky is necessary to prevent climate change.

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