
Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Rick Perry: An Israeli pawn. Our leaders cannot serve two masters...

Perry: Cut off U.N. funds if they vote for Palestinian state

By David Edwards

Republican presidential candidate Rick Perry Tuesday gave a wide-ranging speech supporting Israel, condemning a U.N. vote on Palestinian statehood and charging that President Barack Obama had “appeased the Arab Street.”

“We are indignant that certain Middle Eastern leaders have discarded the principle of direct negotiations between the sovereign nation of Israel and the Palestinian leadership, and we are equally indignant that the Obama Administration’s Middle East policy of appeasement has encouraged such an ominous act of bad faith,” the Texas governor declared.

“The Obama Administration has appeased the Arab Street at the expense of our own national security interests. They have sowed instability that threatens the prospects of peace.”

During questions, Perry explained that his Christian beliefs guided his foreign policy.

“I, also, as a Christian, have a clear directive to support Israel,” he said. “So from my perspective, it’s pretty easy. Both as an American and a Christian, I am going to stand with Israel.”

Perry later added that he supported the Jewish housing settlements outside of Israel’s borders.


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