
Sunday, March 13, 2011

Website that shows radiation levels in real time...

This might be useful in a few days when the radiation from Japan starts reaching the West Coast. Then we'll see if the government is right about there being no real threat to the United States...

Radiation Network

Welcome to, home of the National Radiation Map, depicting environmental radiation levels across the USA, updated in real time every 3 minutes. This is the first web site where the average citizen (or anyone in the world) can see what radiation levels are anywhere in the USA at any time (see Disclaimer below).

Depending on your location within the US, your elevation or altitude, and your model of Geiger counter, this background radiation level might average anywhere from 5 to 60 CPM, and while background radiation levels are random, it would be unusual for those levels to exceed 130 CPM. Thus, the "Alert Level" for the National Radiation Map is 130 CPM, so if you see any Monitoring Stations with CPM value above 130, further indicated by an Alert symbol over those stations, it probably means that some radioactive source above and beyond background radiation is responsible.

Link to active map...

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