
Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Panic setting in...

Panic Buying: Stocks Of Potassium Iodide Exhausted In U.S.
We are getting numerous reports from readers that stocks of potassium iodide, which is used to protect the body against the effects of nuclear fallout, are completely sold out across the United States. Checks of health supplement websites in the U.S. also confirmed that stocks are completely exhausted.

With the threat of radioactive particles from the stricken Fukushima nuclear reactor complex drifting towards the United States on prevailing easterly winds, many Americans are attempting to protect themselves by acquiring potassium iodide, which protects the thyroid gland from radiation and cancer caused by radioactive iodine.

U.S. manufacturers of potassium iodide have been swamped with demand, reports CNN. One Williamsburg, Virginia-based company “Has received hundreds, if not thousands, of calls from potential buyers in Asia as well as repeat U.S. customers suddenly seeking to replenish their stockpiles of the drug.”

The U.S. government has said that it will not stockpile any further supplies of potassium iodide, which has only increased demand from Americans who are struggling to find it anywhere.

“The federal government has never purchased enough to meet that standard. There is currently only enough of the medication available for populations living within 10 miles of nuclear reactors in the United States, according to U.S. officials,” an amount Alan Morris, president of Anbex Inc, slams as being completely insufficient.

Morris points to the fact that the fallout from the April 1986 Chernobyl disaster, which was spread all around the northern hemisphere, led to over a million deaths because of radiation poisoning according to some estimates, causing thyroid cancer in children living in surrounding countries.

“U.S. drug stores are reporting a sudden increase in sales of over-the-counter anti-radiation pills, despite assurances from health officials that Americans are not at risk from Japanese nuclear reactors,” reports Fox News.

Some less than ethical private retailers are exploiting the shortages to charge nearly $300 for one pack of tablets, which normally retail at around the $15 level.

It is important to stress that high-strength potassium iodide of the 130 mg variety shown in the image above should only be taken in a nuclear fallout emergency and not under any other circumstances.

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