
Friday, March 11, 2011

Is "supermoon" responsible for Japan's quake?

Is the Japanese earthquake the latest natural disaster to have been caused by a 'supermoon'?

The powerful tsunami that today slammed into Japan's eastern coast comes just two days after warnings that the movement of the moon could trigger unpredictable events on Earth.

Astrologers predicted that on March 19 - a week tomorrow - the so-called 'supermoon' will be closer to Earth than at any time since 1992, just 221,567 miles away, and that its gravitational pull will bring chaos to Earth.
And conspiracy theorists on the Internet have delighted in making catastrophic predictions of tidal waves, volcanic eruptions and earthquakes.
Coming just three weeks after the quake which devastated Christchurch in New Zealand killing hundreds, this latest disaster will only add fuel to the fire...

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