
Monday, March 14, 2011

If you thought things were bad in Wisconsin, check out what is happening in Michigan...

Financial Dictator or Fiscal Martial Law in Michigan?Power Grab by the Governor?

The worst thing any lawmaker can do is cede all power to one man as a dictator to solve a problem. We have seen time and time against when congress has handed over it power granted by the constitution whether it be a small group of bankers or the executive branch of the government. Abuses happen and becomes hard to stop.There was three branches of government for the reason as a check on power and all authority not be concentrated in one place. The Legislator and Governor in Michigan are facing a budget crises not because they are short on funds. It is to pay the Bankers a debt the people of Michigan do not owe.

Now we see the governor of Michigan is beholden to the Wall Street Gangsters with the state lawmakers complicit in this power grab.They have to make sure the Robber barons are taken care of and the people of Michigan get a few crumbs left over after the treasury have been looted by the gangster bankers. This bill is very frightening because the legislator just handed over a vital check on power to one man that is just as bad as handing over a blank check to a money addict.

This bill that is about to be passed will give the Governor the power to dissolve cities and school districts. He will given the power to shut down services in the name of solving a fiscal crisis. It sounds like austerity to me paying the bankers. He can do with this without public input. This bill makes the governor a petty dictator over the states purse strings to do as he wishes in the name of solving a fiscal crisis.

We can not allow the state legislator to hand over power to one man to act at will without the courts and the legislator to keep a check on power of the governor. Power should never be handed over and concentrated in one person hands. History has told us bad things always happens. This bill must not pass


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