
Friday, March 11, 2011

"How much do you think a “barrel” full of heroin sells for? "

Oil? We’re Here for the Heroin! (at $19,923,200 per barrel!)

Multiple times, US commanders have said the Taliban and al-Qaeda (all-CIA-duh!) receive 90% of their funding through the heroin trade. Under US pressure, the UN allowed NATO countries to go after suspected drug traffickers alongside terrorists. So, after sending 30,000 more troops into Afghanistan, and specifically into the Helmand Province to root out suspected drug traffickers, why are we allowing the farmers to continue growing their poison and call them victims? If we are truly there to make a difference (which I do not believe, but entertain me for a moment), then what exactly is the plan? What’s the strategy?

Will we step up and begin distribution of all this opium still being grown? If we kill or arrest all of the druglords and terrorists and yet allow the heroin to still be manufactured, who is left to process it? Package it? Transport it? The ones with the biggest guns, of course!

The War on Drugs is a failure because law enforcement agencies focus on small amounts, the street level consumer and such novelties as medical marijuana. If the US Government truly believes that the War on Drugs is righteous and is trying to protect people, then why have they not fire bombed these fields?

Oh, that’s because there is too much profit to be made! Remember back in 2003, everyone was saying that oil was the primary reason we went to war…?

The price of a barrel of oil is sitting right at $83-84 at this moment. How much do you think a “barrel” full of heroin sells for?

For relatively pure heroin, cultivated and shipped from Afghanistan, the world’s largest supplier of heroin – it would net you $19,923,200 USD PER BARREL.

Now, by the time that hits American and Russian streets…and is cut up and diluted several times, you are looking at roughly $60,000,000 – $80,000,000 US dollars per barrel of heroin.

Oil? Hahah.

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