
Sunday, March 13, 2011

History stuff: Luftwaffe flew over NYC in WWII...

Luftwaffe Over New York, a WW2 Secret

The Most Dangerous Photo-Recon Mission of World War II

By Jim Newsom U.S.A.

On August 27th 1943, a German Luftwaffe long-range photo reconnaissance bomber, a Junkers Ju-390 took off from its base in Norway and flew out across the Atlantic Ocean. Among its four man crew was a brave and daring woman Anna Kreisling, the ‘White Wolf of the Luftwaffe’. A nickname she had acquired because of her frost blonde hair and icy blue eyes. Anna was one of the top pilots in Germany and even though she was only the co-pilot on this mission, her flying ability was crucial to its success.

The Ju-390 was twice the size of the B-29 Superfortress. It was powered by six 1,500 hp BMW radial engines and it had a range of 18,000 miles without refuelling.

This was to be the longest photo-recon mission flown by an enemy airplane in World War II. Nine hours later, the Junkers was over Canada and swinging south at an altitude of 22,000 feet. In the next few hours, it would photograph the heavy industrial plants in Michigan that were vital to the United States.

By noon on August 28th the gigantic six engined bomber was over New York City, where it finally was spotted by the US Army Air Corp. but by then it was too late. The Junkers disappeared into the vastness of the Atlantic Ocean, fourteen hours later, Anna would bring the huge bomber in to land at a Luftwaffe base outside of Paris.

Thoughts of this mission came to mind as I sat across the table from Anna Kreisling at a recent Octoberfest in Los Angeles. She is still quite beautiful with her icy blonde hair tied-back in a pony-tail and her radiant blue eyes, which have seen events in human history only a few of us could ever imagine.

She had flown Ju-52 Trimotors into the streets of Stalingrad when it had been surrounded by the Red Army. Many times her plane had been riddled with bullets so badly that she landed with only one engine running while the other two were on fire.

In 1945 she was assigned to fly the jet fighters that Germany was producing.

One of these jet fighters was the Horten V9 flying wing. It was powered by two Jumo turbo-jet engines, which enabled it to fly at 600 mph. It was armed with two 30mm cannon and air to air missiles.

Anna never scored any victories in the Horten. While taxing in the snow an American Sherman tank crew captured her after she had turned off the engine and pulling off her flight helmet they thought she was a movie star!! For the next six months she poured coffee for the US Army and did not spend one night in a POW camp. Everyone thought she was part of Bob Hope’s USO show!!

P.S. An article in Air Progress magazine in the Nov/Dec issue 1965 also talked about the Junkers Ju-390 over-flying Michigan and New York. This was held top secret throughout World War II and the Cold War.

If you look in books they will say that only two Ju-390s were built, when in fact there were around 11 built. Also they were used in Odessa, Russia to fly to Japanese held fields in China. Very secret jet engines and technology was traded for raw materials. At Area 51 in Nevada the United States Air Force it is rumored has a Junkers Ju-390 it captured during Operation Paperclip toward the end of World War II.



  1. Interesting. Could you give a source for this info? I found exactly the same text in several other blogs; seems lots of folks are copying other folks blogs, but no one seems to know if this really happened or not. A source or reference would be really helpful. Thanks.
    Tom M.

  2. You know, I usually post a link for the articles. For the life of me I can't remember why I didn't for this one. Either I forgot or someone emailed this to me without a link. I'm sure if you googled the author's name and the title you would be able to find the source. I'll give it a shot as well.

  3. Here's the source...

  4. Thanks for the link. I found about a dozen more blogs online with exactly the same story, and the same link - but still no source of the story itself. Interesting that the stories all seem to date from around March 2011.

    Interesting also that the Anna Kreisling referred to never existed, altho' some folks think he meant Hanna Reitsch (excellent German testpilot). Many of the online pictures of "Anna Kreisling" are actually Hanna Reitsch. But of course, if he meant Hanna Reitsch, he wouldn't have said he was sitting with Anna Kreisling at Octoberfest in Los Angeles!

    Anyway, good story. What's that line in Hamlet? "There are more things in heaven and earth than are dreamt of in your philosophy."
