
Saturday, March 12, 2011

Construction photos of the WTC...

A few questions for my friends who blindly believe two airplanes and jet fuel took down these buildings. Do you notice all the steel used in the construction of the inner-core of the towers? Do you notice all the steel used in the base of the towers? Can you explain to me how the steel supports below the area of the airplane impacts were weakened which allowed the building to collapse in practically free-fall speed without something taking out the inner-core and the lower support structures? Do you understand how even if the jet fuel was consumed in a ball of flame for a short while that the steel in the building would act as a giant heat sink and disperse the heat throughout the frame of the building? Do you wonder why the the steel columns that run through the center of the buildings did not remain standing as the floors supposedly pancaked downward around them? What could possibly explain all this? Jet fuel, which is nothing more than kerosene, does not burn hot enough to melt steel girders. Remember, WTC7, a block away, did not get hit by a jet and only had minor fires in it and yet this 47 story building also collapsed in free fall speed into it's own foot print as well. How do you explain this?

The Twin Towers were primarily steel structures supporting 220 lightweight concrete floors.

The towers were well built structures that used more steel than today's skyscrapers. The debris contained about 300,000 tons of steel.

WTC 7 collapse sequence.

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