Another Amtrak Train Incident! We have entered a Police State - This is Gestapo Tactics - X Ray Trucks and Drones being used against Citizens. Plus - Michigan Governor wants Emergency Powers (Dictatorship)
I am just amazed constantly how our Civil Rights have disappeared along with our Constitutional Rights in the U.S.!
It seems more and more information is coming out about riding Amtrak Trains and what happens when you do. Amtrak allows complete Police State type events. In fact I have images that come to mind of what happened during the 1930s and 40s in Europe and the Nazi tactics used. We are going the same exact way now.
Last week information came out about TSA searching and groping people after they got off a train in Savannah Georgia and the first hand story about it is here.
Now an Amtrak passenger (Greg Travis) has related what happened to him when riding a train through Nebraska this week.
There is video in the link about it. The police are denying what questions were asked and how long it took for questioning.
From the article:
A Chicago-bound businessman traveling in an Amtrak sleeping car didn't expect to wake up in Omaha. That's where plain clothes Nebraska State Patrol Investigators boarded and knocked on the doors of four first-class passengers.
Greg Travis of Bloomington, Indiana said, "It was a loud knock followed by questions. 'Where are you going! Who did you visit!' They shined a flashlight and I was in my pajamas."
Travis said investigators didn't tell him why they knocked on his door. In a railroad traveler blog he alleged the questioning took an hour. However Lt. Kracl said that's not correct. Investigators talked to the four passengers for about seven minutes each he said. Amtrak stopped in Omaha for less than a half hour and left on schedule.
Greg Travis who it happened to posted on a board about it with a little more information.
What he posted:
I've just spent the last hour being interrogated by the Nebraska State Police who boarded our train, the California Zephyr, at 4AM. I am in a sleeper (Car 0632, room 14) and awoke to a non-uniformed individual banging on my door, again at 4AM.
I was interrogated as to where I had boarded, where I was going, what I was doing, and had my room and my luggage searched as was the experience of all the other sleeping car occupants in my car. When we asked for identification from the officers (who were not uniformed) we were told a) They had jurisdiction and b) they would HAND WRITE individual cards.
My card reads "Richard A. Lutter", Investigator, Investigative Services Division, Nebraska State Patrol. Badge # 253.
When my fellow sleeping car riders asked why they were on the train, they said "To Search For Contraband" and that was the excuse they used to rummage through our rooms and our luggage. The train's conductor was also present and for reasons I do not understand did not throw them off the train.
This is not America.
Besides this DHS is now rolling out X ray trucks throughout the U.S. which is happening now around the U.S.. The government is putting radiation into our bodies for their own enjoyment. It is not about keeping us safe either. I am sick of them using that excuse. It is plain and simple a Police State in all ways! The U.S. Govt is a Gestapo entity now.
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