What Do You Believe Is America's Biggest Economic Problem?
Below, 16 of America's greatest economic threats are listed in no particular order. The goal of this article is to hear what all of you readers believe is the worst crisis the U.S. economy is facing. If you would like to vote, please choose one of the 16 economic problems listed below...
#1) The Gulf Of Mexico Oil Spill - The Gulf of Mexico oil spill is already the worst environmental disaster in U.S. history. Is it also about to become the worst economic disaster in U.S. history?
#2) The Derivatives Bubble - The total value of all derivatives worldwide is estimated to be well over a quadrillion dollars. In fact, the danger from derivatives is so great that Warren Buffet has called them "financial weapons of mass destruction". Will the derivatives bubble end up being the major cause of the next depression?
#3) The Housing Crash - Last month, sales of new homes in the United States dropped to the lowest level ever recorded. Also, the number of U.S. home foreclosures set a record for the second consecutive month in May. Very few Americans are buying houses right now. The subprime mortgage crisis brought the U.S. financial system to the brink of ruin in 2007 and 2008. Is it about to happen again?
#4) The Federal Reserve - Instead of printing and issuing their own currency, the U.S. government actually has to go into more debt before any new currency is created. But the problem is that the money to pay the interest on that debt is not created at that time, so in order to pay that interest the U.S. government will need to create even more currency in the future. That means going into even more debt. Thus the U.S. government is caught in an endless debt spiral that has now become impossible to escape. By basing our economy on mountains of debt and paper money that is backed by nothing, have we essentially guaranteed that our economic system will totally fail someday?
#5) The European Sovereign Debt Crisis - Greece, Spain, Italy, Portugal and a number of other European nations are in real danger of actually defaulting on their debts. If a wave of national defaults starts sweeping the globe, will it end up wiping out the U.S. economy as well?
Link to all 16:
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