One Out Of Every Ten U.S. Banks Is Now On The FDIC’s Problem List – Do You Know If Your Bank Is Safe?
Do you know if your bank will be there next month? For a growing number of Americans, that is becoming a very real question. The Wall Street Journal is reporting that 775 banks (approximately ten percent of all U.S. banks) are now on the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation's list of "problem" banks. This year we have already seen more than six dozen banks fail, and the frightening thing is that we are seeing a rapid acceleration in bank failures even though we are supposedly in a "recovery" right now. So what happens if the economy takes a bad turn and hundreds of these banks that are barely surviving start failing?
Right now an increasing number of Americans are not paying their loans, and this is shredding the balance sheets of small and medium size banks all over the United States. In fact, during the first quarter of 2010, the total number of loans that are at least three months past due increased for the 16th consecutive quarter.
Once is a coincidence.
Twice is a trend.
Sixteen times in a row is a total nightmare.
Is there anyone out there that is still convinced that the economy is getting better?
If so, perhaps this will convince you otherwise....
There were 252 banks on the FDIC's "problem list" at the end of 2008.
There were 702 banks on the FDIC's "problem list" at the end of 2009.
Now there are 775 banks of the FDIC's "problem list".
Are you starting to see a trend?
Federal regulators have already closed 73 banks in 2010, more than double the number shut down at this time last year.
The truth is that the U.S. banking system is coming apart like a 20 dollar suit.
So is the FDIC worried?
No, they insist that they have plenty of money to cover all of the banks that are going to fail.
After all, the FDIC's deposit insurance fund now has negative 20.7 billion dollars in it, which represents a slight improvement from the end of 2009.
Yes, you read that correctly.
Negative 20.7 billion dollars.
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