5 ways to respond to loss of freedom in the USA
by: Mike Bundrant
Are you stressed and angry about the loss of personal freedom and rights in the United States?
A lot of Americans are genuinely disturbed these days. In fact, if you aren't sleeping through life, you have good reason to be upset. A reader at the iNLP Center recently wrote me this email:
So, what are your recommendations for dealing with the loss of our personal freedom? How do we handle, or OVERCOME the groping by the TSA, the intrusion of Homeland Security into our emails, the possibility of our being arrested and detained without warrant or a jury of our peers?
How can we cope with increased surveillance and suspicion?
I would love to know so that I could pass 'coping skills' onto others who are feeling and mourning the loss of our Republic and Constitutional rights by increasingly oppressive and dictatorial 'people.'
Here is my reply:
1. Be glad that your brain still works
If you are concerned and stressed about this, you should be glad. It means you still have a properly functioning mind. Your brain has not melted under the chemical fire and propaganda most brains have been subject to in the Western world. You have your wits about you!
You are one of the lucky ones. You are not a zombie! Feel lucky. This is a good start.
2. Be proud of yourself for seeing the truth and avoiding sheeple-dom
Even highly functioning minds are capable of denying reality, even as it stares them in the face. You are NOT in denial if you are pissed off about current events. This is a good thing. Be proud of your strength of character. It takes a strong person to stare down an ugly truth.
Just think, you could be going along with the average sheeple who doesn't have a clue what is going on. Would you prefer that?
3. Consider yourself a patriot
Realize that now is not the time for despair, but for action. At a certain point, we need to stop feeling like victims and start feeling like patriots. Patriots are courageous people of action. Patriots confront issues like loss of freedom and do something about it.
Ask yourself, what resources are available to me? What would a patriot do with these resources?
Here's a simple plan. Read Natural News every day. Choose one article that highlights an injustice or loss of freedom that any patriot would not sit back and take. Then, act on your conscience.
Share the article. Sign a petition. Phone your representative in Washington. Write a letter to an evil corporation to remind them you will never be their customer again. Support honest businesses. Join the libertarian party and donate to it. Consider every dollar you spend to be a vote for good or evil.
Act! Every action you take in support of freedom is an action in support of freedom!
4. Thank God for the liberties you still enjoy
If you live in America, you still enjoy freedoms. Be grateful for them. This is CRITICAL. If you lose touch with the freedoms you still have, you will not utilize them to your potential. Be a freedom loving person! This involves staying in touch with and actively loving the freedom you possess right now, in this moment.
If you doubt you can do this, read Man's Search for Meaning, by Victor Frankyl. This book teaches freedom of the most profound kind. Victor Frankyl discovered his deepest personal freedoms while detained in a Nazi death camp. His love of his newfound inner freedom was the key to his survival. It literally kept him alive.
No one can take away your God-given inner freedom. Live in that. The country needs you to. As soon as you lose touch with it, you become a sheeple.
If you do not feel free on the inside - free to be yourself, to express yourself, to do what you know is right, to make healthy choices for yourself, then consider that you may have your own personal belief conflicts that get in your way. If this is the case, work to free up your inner self. For more information about identifying and changing limiting beliefs, attend this free webinar.
5. Don't despair. Prepare!
Every moment you spend in despair is a victory to the oppressive forces. Those who would steal your freedom want you to feel hopeless! Hopelessness is powerlessness. The hopeless and powerless do not fight back.
So, keep your chin up and prepare your mind, body, spirit and your HOME to survive and even thrive in the worst of outward circumstances - as our situation is likely to worsen dramatically before it gets better.
Actively preparing for the worst case scenario is the antidote to despair.
Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/038281_freedom_America_liberty.html#ixzz2Efxi2yhQ
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