
Friday, July 6, 2012

What if they held an election and no one showed up to vote???

Mitt Romney, Barack Obama, and the Uncertain Future

by Henry Shivley

The mainstream propaganda coverage of the so called 2012 Presidential Campaign is showing us volumes in what is not being depicted. Every camera shot of Romney on the campaign trail is tight. If there were crowds, wouldn’t the cameras be showing them, you know, to convince us that the people are behind Mitt? We are not seeing the crowds because there are no crowds.

As we have mentioned before, the neo-cons are a small percentage of our population and widely scattered. The fact is more focus is being put on the potential vice-presidents than on Romney and his “great” message. And really, Obama is not doing any better.

I believe the majority of the people in this country have figured it out and though they do not have the guts to stand up and speak the truth, they know the truth and are making every effort to avoid participating in the scam. Maybe they think that if they ignore it, it will just go away.

As for picking a vice-presidential candidate, do you not have to pick a presidential candidate first? I believe Romney and his neo-cons are starting to feel the heat. I do not believe they have the necessary delegates to ram Romney down our throats and the Ron Paul lawsuits are moving through the federal courts.

If the evidence is honestly examined there can be no conclusion other than election fraud, of which Romney and other officials high in the GOP party have been instrumental in perpetrating.

That is why it seems that the mainstream propaganda is without direction. At this point no one seems to know what might happen tomorrow and as for the status quo, I believe all options are on the table.

The Olympic Games in London start July 25th and run through August 12th. The Republican National Convention is from August 27th through the 30th and as I mentioned earlier, the Ron Paul lawsuits are moving through the courts. If things go badly for the status quo, we could be into World War III by September and of course under full blown martial law here in the United States.

Anyone who is not gathering all the guns, bullets, and food they can get their hands on has to be so far up Duh-nial that they can never expect to return. One thing is for sure. That “something that has to give” is going to have to give real soon. Are you ready?

God bless the Republic, death to the international corporate mafia, we shall prevail.


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