
Monday, July 16, 2012

Trouble ahead for Rice if picked as VP...

Condi Rice’s Ties to Turkish Spy Ring

The Story that Should Remove Condi Rice from Consideration for Vice President

by Gordon Duff

Condi Rice, as with most Washington insiders, has a secret that can take her down.

In 2002, Rice “crossed the line” in preventing the investigation of a major spy operation in the White House. For the first time, facts just released and eyewitness testimony make Rice a political liability or worse.

We begin with Rice and her real agenda, or what can be shown, even proven beyond a doubt, as she served President Bush (43). Rice filled the White House with convicted criminals and spies.

This broad claim bears examining, which is what we do here. But first, one must understand the power of the National Security Council she headed and how access to membership meant full access to all classified data held by the United States.

Remember, each member carried, not only a Top Secret security clearance but an “SC” clearance as well, known as “Special Compartmentalized Intelligence.”

This is a higher rating that most are even aware of and awarded to only the most carefully vetted public servants, usually with a history of dedicated combat service. None of Rice’s staff were veterans. Almost all were Israeli citizens.

The “downfall” that should occur will involve serious breaches of trust, violations of national security policy and perhaps much more involving Matthew Bryza.

Today, Bryza is a former Ambassador from the US married to a Turkish national living in Istanbul and deeply enmeshed in the Caspian Basin oil business.

He is a young man, born in 1964. His ambassadorship was stripped away for statements he made in denial of the Armenian genocide.

His history as a diplomat puts him in the Russian embassy during the mid 90′s after spending his first years in Poland during the end of the Soviet influence there.

When President Bush (43) took office, he appointed Condi Rice as his National Security Advisor.

She took over running the National Security Council, bringing most members over from Project for a New American Century.

This included Richard Clarke, as Counter Terrorism Chief, Paul Wolfowitz, Richard Perle.
Let’s start with Perle. Perle had already been accused of spying, according to Seymour Hersh in his book, the Price of Power (page 322):

“In mid-October 1970, [Henry] Kissinger testified, when a second wiretap was authorized for Helmut Sonnenfeldt, who was Kissinger’s closest friend on the NSC [National Security Council] staff, his role was even more tangential….

Richard N. Perle, a foreign policy aide to Senator Jackson, was overheard discussing classified information that had been supplied to him by someone on the National Security Council Staff…..

Kissinger – perhaps seeking to ward off a Nixon explosion – handed him (Haldeman) the FBI wiretap on the Israeli embassy and requested that the FBI be assigned to determine which NSC staff member was in contact with Richard Perle…

Kissinger had to know that Hoover and Haldeman would suspect Sonnenfeldt, who was known from previous wiretaps to have close ties to the Israelis as well as Perle.”

Thus, the day Perle was brought over, he was a known espionage agent. Rice would be sure he was not alone.

Next was Steve Rosen, who was arrested for spying along with Lawrence Franklin, assistant to Paul Wolfowitz and Richard Perle and Keith Weissman.

Rosen was brought into the White House by Rice, Franklin by Wolfowitz, who was brought into the White House by Rice.

Weissman was given full national security access though not a government employee by Rice.

Rosen, head of the Rand Corporation was Middle East Chief on the NSC, in direct contrast to reports that list him as only an “AIPAC” (Israeli lobbyist”) as was Weissman.

All three were arrested for spying, the espionage organized by AIPAC and the American Enterprise Institute, a conservative “think tank.” Franklin was sentenced to 13 years in prison and charges against Weissman and Rosen were “suspended” on “national security concerns” by the Bush Justice Department...

Read more here:

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