
Monday, July 16, 2012

Stop police brutality...

Get Tough on Police Brutality and Fire Officer Krawetz

Target: Rhode Island Attorney General and Lincoln Police Department
Sponsored by: Susan V

A Rhode Island police officer who kicked a handcuffed woman in the head got off with probation and a 10-year suspended sentence. Though he was convicted of felony battery, which carries a maximum 20-year prison sentence, Krawetz will spend no time at all in prison. And it will take a special hearing to remove him from the force.

Caught on video Krawetz's crime is a clear case of excessive and potentially deadly force. The woman was unable to break her fall as the kick slammed her head on to the curb, and then Krawetz did nothing to check whether she was all right.

While sitting handcuffed on the curb, the woman had kicked at the cop’s leg with her bare foot as he began going through her purse, but he was clearly in no danger, and other officers stood nearby.

Crimes such as Krawetz's should never be taken so lightly. Tell RI to get tough on police brutality.

Sign petition here:

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