
Tuesday, July 17, 2012

'...if there is no way I can vote for Dr. Paul...I will write across the entirety of the ballot with a black marker, “No Thank You”.'

Not a bad idea. Let's all put "No Thank You" on our ballots in November...

Ron Paul for President or “No Thank You’
Posted on July 17, 2012 by Henry Shivley

111 days until the 2012 election and it is a dead heat at 48% for Obama, 48% for Romney, and 4% undecided. The very fact that the propaganda machine puts out reports like this shows their total disregard for our intelligence – 96% of whom?

Democrats and Republicans in this country make up about 30% of the voting population, which is actually quite frightening when you consider how stupid you have to be to still participate in the false left-right paradigm. None the less, the percentages that are being reported as being credible are a farce as their 96% only equates to about 29% of the population.

Though the propagandists have quit mentioning it, the fact is Independents will decide the 2012 election. A few are eco-freaks who will vote for the Green Party and a handful will endorse the various straight up socialist and communist parties you never hear about in the mainstream. The rest of us, the vast majority, are wide awake and we will be disenfranchised if the status quo socialists have their way.

Many of us have been debating as to what we will do if Ron Paul is not on our ballot in one form or the other. Some say they will vote for Obama to punish the Republicans for the fraud they perpetrated in the primaries and caucuses. This is a mistake. But there are others who are about to make an even bigger mistake as they will vote for Romney for no other reason than he is not Obama, when in reality the only difference between Obama and Romney is the pigment of their skin.

Romney is a neo-con national socialist, gun grabbing lapdog of the new world order. Obama is a soviet socialist, gun grabbing lapdog of the new world order. And when it comes down to who gives the orders to our president, socialism is socialism and there is only one boss at the top.

If Ron Paul is on the GOP ticket, I will vote for him. If Ron Paul runs as an Independent, I will vote for him. Unless Ron Paul states in public that he will not accept the presidency if he is written in, I will write him in. As a last resort, if there is no way I can vote for Dr. Paul, I will take up the tactic of the Baptist Preacher at those check points. I will write across the entirety of the ballot with a black marker, “No Thank You”.

God bless the Republic, death to the international corporate mafia, we shall prevail.


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