
Monday, July 16, 2012

Get your globalist wars app...

Pentagon Releases “Comics” for Globalist Domination

Kurt Nimmo

Globalist wars of domination? There’s an app for that.

The government is spending your hard-earned money on a slick propaganda effort called “America’s Army Comics,” a “free” iPad and Android tablet app that will allow readers to experience combat and other “issues” in a digital format.

“We decided to do a mobile app format because it allows us to do a lot of really innovative things that we hadn’t seen comic books do before,” executive producer Mike Barnett told Fox News.

Barnett described the propaganda potential of the app:

“We work with soldiers on a daily basis, and in between meetings, they would be telling us these fantastic stories about things that happened to them while they were deployed or when they arrived home. A comic book was the perfect media to capture these stories – how they deal with people from different cultures, acts that changed the mentality of entire villages that didn’t trust Americans, all this stuff was very interesting.”

The app was developed by the same “masterminds that produce America’s Army PC games” and offers an “authentic Army experience” in far-away lands deemed worthy of globalist attention and armed intervention in the name of “democracy” and “humanitarianism” (a practice the Libyans recently learned about, although it cost 30,000 lives).

“America’s Army Comics” also focuses on how soldiers “live and survive” – despite the prospect of endless tours under a Pentagon imposed stop-less policy and the threat of escalating GI suicide rates – and “allows us to detail what a soldier’s lifestyle is,” according to PC game director Marsha Berry.

America’s Army Comics is the latest feel-good propaganda offering as the warheads continue to “prevent collusion and maintain security dependence among the vassals” and “keep tributaries pliant and protected, and to keep the barbarians from coming together,” as globalist mastermind Zbigniew Brzezinski described it.

“The stories are inspirational and show the best of what we are trying to do within the world from the eyes of a soldier,” Barnett told Fox.

America has habitually lavished praise on its warmakers, so it makes perfect sense for the Pentagon to deliver its propaganda using the latest technology and draw the attention of the young who will ultimately be required to make the “greatest sacrifice” for the empire.


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