
Saturday, July 14, 2012

"Are there people who wish all Americans dead, who wish America a smoking ruin? Of course there are. Our problem is that many of those people are members of our government, some leaders of our military, fewer now than in 2008, but they are Americans."

If There is a Satan, His Home is America

by Gordon Duff, Senior Editor

There are no people in the world like Americans. Americans love their country so much and have, because of that blinded love, Americans have become, if any people today are, the representation of the power of Satan on earth.

That love turns to hate quickly and never with a moment of thought that those who point the fingers, where to bomb, where to hit, are, invariably the enemy themselves.

From the controversial new HBO television show, Newsroom:

Americans lie. America’s real history is stealing land from Indians, slavery, treachery of every kind at every turn, the Mexican War, the Spanish American War, the Robber Barons who owned our government then, 150 years ago.

Their great grandchildren help control the world and orchestrate war, drug dealing, eternal disease and poverty, these are American also. This is the heritage of American “conservatives.”

More American heritage is that of crime, imported from the sewers of Europe, some organizations centuries old, criminals to prey upon a nation of immigrants, keeping them in generations of slavery while our cities grew tall and fat and hard cities governed by criminals.

They are much the same today, industries controlled by cabals of gangsters, hardly just banking, oil and defense, all of them, from timber and coal to diamonds and gold, all rigged, fixed like our elections.

Our government has and always will be the collection of thieves we deserve. No office can be held without the nod from the mob leaders, without millions in drug money flowing in.

Moments ago, I was watching a Youtube video of a county sheriff talking about his oath. Before three words were out he began to show his real bosses, the timber companies. For others, it is the mine owners, the plunderers of the land, fracking America into a poisoned pit of filth.

We love America so much we put our children in schools we hate, move them on to jails and prisons where they are sexually abused, starved to death on frozen “pot pies” and baloney sandwiches made from discarded mouldy bread.

Fifteen million of our children rot in prison, two million more serve in our military.

I was one of those. You can ride a “joystick” and destroy and enemy “convoy” that turns out to be a wedding party.

You can load bales of heroin onto planes, told that this is how we “stabilize” Afghanistan as we stabilized so many other nations before, across South and Central America, Southeast Asia, always leaving death in our wake.

America? One family, the Bush boys, three generations of them, managed to put one commodity on a downward price spiral, perhaps the only economic success we enjoy.

Our children can now buy heroin and cocaine, ecstasy and “meth” at bargain prices, dropping every day as planeloads fly in from around the world or are carried over the Mexican border that we talk of so much but leave wide open.

We used to just love slave labor but the drug money pays better. But who does it pay?

Drug money pays those who talk the loudest, the gun totin’ sheriffs, the prosecuting attorneys, those empowered with protecting our borders, those who run our banks and, most of all, drug money flows into the retirement funds of our congress.

They get several billion dollars a year in drug profits. Why do we have 15 million of our kids locked up? Drugs.

This is the primary reason and to market drugs in a carefully orchestrated collapsed economy is like selling candy to a baby, which, of course, is what we do.

What are our other addictions? Americans pay. We don’t like taxes, instead prices of everything in America reflect rigging, every day, just to survive, bills arrive.

For those stupid enough, you can spend your entire income on texting, “tweeting” and “pay per view” television.

We also pay for water, something quickly disappearing or sewers or electricity and the sulphurous smoke or invisible radiation that is the byproduct.

Every nuclear plant leaks, leaks a hundred times more than we are told, actually, we are never told. Drive the highways, look at half of America’s trees, dying from acid rain, state after state, laws “revised” during the Bush43 regime.

There is no poison deadly enough, no pollution dirty enough, nothing so bad that Americans can’t breath or eat or drink it, no medicine dangerous enough or expensive enough, not when there is profit to be made.

While you aren’t looking, we double the interest on your mortgage. Your home, years of savings and work, years of pride, now worthless, “upside down” as we call it, owned no longer by you but a bank.

Do, they really own it?

Then we look at the banks, the money they lent wasn’t theirs, they things they say they own they had sold off long ago, sometimes twice, as during the Reagan “savings and loan” period.

Pick up the newspaper, look at the job ads. There are no real jobs, not even for college grads, not for nurses or police officers or teachers. In most of America, a college education won’t buy you a job making hamburgers on the midnight shift.

Every job, what do we offer? We offer our children jobs where they are taught to lie, to prey on the hopes of the poor, claims “We will save your home,” or worse, magic elixers to cure all ills.

We offer imaginary training for jobs that never existed, our children work as shills for gangsters or they join the military and take their chances.

How does our military care for its own?

Over one million veterans who claim the government has cheated them will testify. And 50,000 soldiers, once “heroes” who were thrown out of the military after years of service will testify.

War crimes tribunals around the world will testify to the good works we set to in the name of “freedom.”

Good works = drugs and death

I look back nearly half a century ago. I see a nation of factories and small homes, of new and growing businesses, a nation learning to respect its own, challenges of racial prejudice and equal rights based on gender, that and other vital issues were our failure.

We were raping our land, poisoning our workers, we would learn, for awhile at least, we would grow, we would change and then, I pick the year 1972, it stopped.

We began going backwards, first slowly, then more rapidly.

Our new middle class, larger homes, better jobs, more education first grew then it shrunk and now it is gone.

The homes, millions of them, stand empty as do thousands of factories.

The money is there but now we know it isn’t real. Before we had less and owed nothing. Now we have nothing and owe everything.

I remember, not so long ago, being asked to “accept” a seat in congress. The election, I was told, was rigged.

I had been a lobbyist for powerful companies, was a war veteran and was told I could have the “easy life” in Washington as long as I asked no questions and did as I was told.

I knew then Washington was filled with thieves and I saw myself as above them somehow. I must have been insane.

There is still an America. People still work a long hard day. There are few families, most are broken, children with one parent, the other unemployed, jailed, addicted to drugs or alcohol.

Trillions of dollars are out there, 40% with a few dozen people, the rest with a few thousand more.

There is fear. I have watched a dozen friends go from relative wealth and ease, private planes, summer homes, luxury vacations to sleeping outdoors and begging food.

They had the wrong skills. Instead, I was trained to shuffle money back and forth, to tap telephones, to rig elections, to tell people what they wanted to hear.

I got to be one of the hundreds of thousands who fit in the NWO’s version of the world, where nations order car bomb attacks the same way you order “take away” Chinese food.

I remember, years ago, when I first learned I could create a billion dollars out of thin air using the SWIFT system and “less than nothing” for collateral for what we termed “financial instruments that carry the full faith and credit….”

Ah, language, the delightful moral flexibility of language.

Yesterday, former vice president Dick Cheney endorsed Mitt Romney for president. Cheney is the single most hated person of the last 75 years.

Were people better informed, you might take that to the last thousand years.

The job of the endless “lie machines” is to convince Americans that electing Romney, a despicable fraud and moron, to the White House doesn’t matter. They can prove they are correct.

Were they more honest they could simply admit that since the Supreme Court is controlled by organized crime and most of Congress is under the thumb of an unspeakable secret society, even I won’t touch this further, it doesn’t matter who you elect.

My only comment is simple. How fast do you want your kids to die? Romney can certainly hurry up their end, his every word tells us that. Study his beliefs, take time, look into them carefully, his history, what he says, watch his face, hear his words. Evil? I believe he is genuinely evil.

Are there people who wish all Americans dead, who wish America a smoking ruin? Of course there are.

Our problem is that many of those people are members of our government, some leaders of our military, fewer now than in 2008, but they are Americans.

Watching Romney tell the NAACP that he would gladly begin a race war, basking in their endless booing, one could take that as a sign, not one from heaven certainly.

Romney is a Mormon and to him, heaven is a planet where he will inseminate endless virgins, mindless floating vaginas of no distinguishable age or race.

Yes, this is exactly what Romney believes, this is the core of Mormonism, kind of like Scientology, actually, a lot like Scientology.

You get lots of “being a god” rather than following the teachings of a god. Think of it as like selling free car insurance, which is exactly what it is compared to.

Hey, but with Washington filled with buggering thieves, what does it matter anyway?


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