
Friday, May 4, 2012

"The evidence is so strong against fluoride these days that nearly 40 U.S. communities stopped fluoridating their water in 2011, and many more, including Albuquerque, N.M., Bolivar, Mo., and Myerstown, Penn., have ended water fluoridation in 2012."

Chemist declares fluoride to be 'one of the greatest public health threats of modern times'
Ethan Huff

Ingesting artificial fluoride chemicals does not prevent tooth decay, but rather destroys your insides and leads to the development of cancer and other illnesses. These are the disturbing findings of an assessment recently compiled by award-winning chemist, author, and founder of, Shane Ellison.

Frustrating more than 50 years of bad science that has claimed the exact opposite, Ellison's appraisal of fluoride's negative effects on the body shows once again why removing fluoride from public water supplies is crucial to public health. And health freedom advocates must step up to be the educational catalyst for bringing about this change nationwide.

"Once ingested, fluoride compounds attack the structural integrity of our insides," says Ellison. "Collagen, a web-like network connecting our skeletal system to muscles, is torn apart by fluoride. We feel it as joint stiffness, ligament damage, and aching bones. This same mechanism leads to browning of teeth, an outcome known as fluorosis."

Ellison adds that laboratory studies dating back decades have shown that fluoride spurs the mutation of mammalian DNA cells, which can promote the growth of cancer cells. Various population studies, he says, have shown that fluoride ingestion can increase a person's risk of developing bone cancer by as much as 700 percent.

And finally, fluoride has never been shown to actually prevent cavities, which is the excuse most often used to continue lacing public water supplies with this toxic poison. On the contrary, fluoride ingestion actually promotes tooth decay, and even the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) admits that there is no verifiable, scientific proof that fluoride in any way prevents cavities.

So why does artificial water fluoridation continue to persist in many towns and cities across America today? A combination of ignorance and pride both appear to be factors, as the medical establishment largely refuses to accept modern science showing that fluoride is unsafe because it has been claiming for many decades that fluoride is safe.

John Garfield from The University Daily Kansan recently wrote his own assessment of the dangers of fluoride, noting that the best available science links fluoride consumption to thyroid disorders, endocrine disruption, reproductive damage, skin problems, brittle bones, immunodeficiency, premature puberty, and lowered IQ (

The evidence is so strong against fluoride these days that nearly 40 U.S. communities stopped fluoridating their water in 2011 (, and many more, including Albuquerque, N.M., Bolivar, Mo., and Myerstown, Penn., have ended water fluoridation in 2012.

To learn more about Shane Ellison's work, visit:

To learn more about the dangers of fluoride, visit:

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