
Monday, May 7, 2012

Did you expect anything different?

Meet the New Boss: French President is Another Bilderberg Stooge

Francois Hollande is a committed globalist

Paul Joseph Watson

The mass media is promulgating the notion that the election of Socialist French President Francois Hollande represents some kind of massive sea change and is a direct challenge to the European Union, and yet Hollande’s past and the people he surrounds himself with confirms the fact that he is merely another committed globalist and an enthusiastic supporter of the dictatorial EU’s sovereignty-stripping ethos.

“In the whole of Europe it’s time for change,” Hollande told cheering crowds who gathered to hear his victory speech in Paris early Monday,” reports the L.A. Times.

“Observers agree that Mr Hollande’s election represents a sea-change in the governance of the eurozone and the management of the single currency crisis,” reports Sky News.

However, any suggestion that Hollande’s defeat of Nicolas Sarkozy represents some kind of major challenge to the European Union and its efforts, in close coordination with the IMF and Goldman Sachs, to exploit the debt crisis for its own political ends, is clearly wide of the mark.

Hollande is merely another creature of the establishment and an enthusiastic pro-European superstate globalist. He supported the 1992 Maastricht Treaty, the document which outlined the introduction of the euro single currency and was itself based on a 1955 Bilderberg blueprint. Hollande also supported the European Constitution in a 2005 referendum despite most of his socialist allies voting against it.

Hollande is the former spokesman for ex-French President Lionel Jospin, another committed globalist who attended the Bilderberg Group meeting in 1996.

He is also a former aide to the last Socialist President in France, Francois Mitterand, a 33rd degree Freemason who commissioned the pyramid at the Louvre to be made out of 666 glass panels – another down to earth “man of the people”. Alongside German Chancellor and Bohemian Grove attendee Helmut Kohl, Mitterand fathered the Maastricht Treaty. According to Bilderberg sleuth Daniel Estulin, Bilderberg were largely responsible for Mitterand’s presidential victory in in 1981.

Hollande’s “special adviser” is none other than Manuel Valls, a former Freemason and 2008 Bilderberg attendee who openly supports the establishment of a European federal superstate at the expense of national sovereignty. Valls has publicly called for the European Commission to control national budgets of EU member nations.

When confronted about his Bilderberg connection by We Are Change Paris, Valls attempted to deflect the question by accusing the videographers of denying the Holocaust.

Despite all the media bluster about a “sea change” in France and Hollande representing a threat to the European Union’s political agenda, expect him to be yet another dutiful water carrier for the elite as he taxes the middle class out of existence while continuing to sacrifice French national sovereignty on the altar of the EU superstate.

With Nicolas Sarkozy beginning to prove himself an irritant to the political class in Brussels and moving to amend the terms of the globalists’ cherished Maastricht Treaty, Hollande is being sold by the establishment as a breath of fresh air yet will almost undoubtedly prove to harbor to same stench of anti-democratic authoritarianism that pervades the entire European Union.


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