
Wednesday, May 2, 2012

But, I thought the government said there was no inflation?

INFLATION GONE WILD: Look How Much Cheaper Everything Used To Be

Gus Lubin and Noelia de la Cruz

The dollar has lost 90 percent of its value since the early 1900s.

This dramatic devaluation has crushed anyone who kept money in cash, and it has hurt workers when wages failed to keep up with inflation.

There's also a psychological impact for Americans who can remember when a bottle of Coke cost only 5 cents. It's not surprising people are obsessed with gold these days.

The price of tuition at Yale was $1,950 in 1967. Today it is $38,300

The median new home in 1963 cost $17,200. Today it is about $212,000.

A 24-pack of Budweiser cost $2.93 in 1954. Today it costs $19.99.

A Hershey Bar sold for 5 cents in 1937. A similar size bar costs 99 cents today.

A box of Corn Flakes cost 12 cents in 1945. Today a similar sized box costs $3.79.

See more inflated prices here:

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