
Tuesday, April 19, 2011

What will the world be like in 9 months if the nuclear disaster has not been contained yet?

Surviving Planet Earth in the Next 90 days...

Earlier this week, TEPCO released its two step plan for bringing the Fukushima Daiichi emergency under control. The plan is already in motion, and it has been stated that it will be completed within 9 months.
For everyone else, the question remains:

How will the world look in 9 months?

Japan undoubtedly will experience many more earthquakes, monsoons, and volcanic activity during the time required to bring the situation back under control. It is unclear still how much radiation has been released, and an exact list of the radioactive isotopes that have been introduced to the environment is still not forthcoming.

The purpose of this investigation is to show how volatile the situation really is, and the global implications it contains. We want to express to our readers the dangers of monsoon season, when radiation in the air will be brought back to the ground in the form of radioactive rain. So that our readers understand that with all of the volcanic activity in Japan, radiation attaches itself to the volcanic ash and can be carried and distributed to different countries. We want people to understand the potential global economic effects that might occur when Japan raises money to pay for the cleanup. We have never posted information with the intention of stirring up fear, we do it because ignoring these possible complications does not wish them away. As we began to formulate this question, we quickly realized that we would have to overlook many important facts if we looked at it as a whole. We decided to split the subject up into 90 day periods and plan to release this post in 3 sections...

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