
Wednesday, April 20, 2011

The news just keeps getting worse on the radiation poisoning of the world...

Where are all those environmentalists and global warming activists who are so concerned about saving the planet? We are being exposed to the greatest threat to human life and the safety of the earth in our lifetimes and I have yet to hear a peep out of them? It only exposes their cause as a fraud. They don't care about the environmental destruction of the planet. If they did they would be marching in the streets over this crisis. Where are all the United Nations climate change scientists on this very real threat to a life sustaining planet? Where is the international community that always seem to be on the same page on the dangers of CO2 when it comes to the poisoning of the earth by released plutonium, cesium, uranium iodine and strontium? Where's the international effort to find a solution to stop the flow of radiation into the atmosphere? I would willingly trade this nuclear Armageddon for all their threats about the catastrophic consequences of man-made CO2. We at least know one of those nightmares scenarios is very real. This situation is a travesty...

Highest Yet: 78 pCi/l of Iodine-131 found in raw milk from San Francisco Bay Area


Highest Yet: Cesium-134 in Northern California topsoil at 250% level of previous test


Highest Yet: UCB finds 13+ pCi/l of Cesium-137 in store-bought milk from San Francisco Bay Area


BREAKING NEWS: Radiation Spreads throughout the Northern Hemisphere


Agency admits 'melting' of N-fuel


BREAKING NEWS - Radiation at No. 2 spent fuel pool millions of times above normal!


Radioactive Iodine In Phoenix Arizona Milk 1600% Above EPA Drinking Water Limits


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