
Friday, October 22, 2010

I guess Nancy Pelosi didn't see this?

Green Party: ‘Whether you elect Democrats or Republicans, you’re getting a GOP agenda’

Democrats are shifting to the right and abandoning their progressive values, a top Green Party official charged in an interview, arguing the liberal standard-bearers can no longer be "rehabilitated" and voters ought to consider a third choice.

"This is a very opportune moment to tell people that whether you elect Democrats or Republicans, you're basically getting a GOP agenda," Scott McLarty, a national spokesman for the US Green Party, told Raw Story.

The Green Party, officially founded in 2001 with organizations across the country, has, like all modern third parties, been unable to muster up the clout to compete in major national races. But it has gradually made headway in statewide elections, and has hundreds of candidates running for offices next month.

"Democrats are as likely to increase military spending as Republicans are now," he said, "and the Obama administration has maintained a lot of the worst policies of the Bush administration."

"The center of political gravity in this country is corporate money,"
he said. "Republicans are right on that center of gravity and Democrats are attracted to it."


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