
Wednesday, May 14, 2014


Welcome to Nulandistan: A Multimedia Look at What the US and EU Have Unleashed on Ukraine

By Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya

The Yatsenyuk regime’s anti-terrorism operations in the southern and eastern oblasts (region) of Ukraine are really a use of martial force against Ukrainian civilians opposed to the coup-installed regime in Kiev. Predominately peaceful Ukrainian citizens opposing the coup leaders and not “armed separatists” have been the main target of the regime’s militias.

The discourse about “pro-Russian” separatists is a misleading attempt to hide the real nature of the protests against the regime, which is opposition to a coup. The main issue is one of anti-coup protesters versus a junta and not separatists and federalists versus Kiev. To refer to the junta in Kiev as the government of Ukraine is to reject or ignore its illegality.

Welcome to Ukraine Nulandistan

Wherever the US government says it is promoting democracy and freedom, as US Assistant-Secretary of State Victoria Nuland professes about Ukraine, there has been destruction, impoverishment, sectarianism, fighting, and death. Welcome to post-coup Ukraine or Nulandistan. It follows the precedents and traditions of destabilization and violence honoured by US officials like Senator John McCain in the Syrian Arab Republic (McCainistan) and by Hillary Clinton in the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya (Clintonistan).

Arseniy Petrovych Yatsenyuk, who has illegally taken the post of Ukrainian prime minister with the support of the US and European Union, was never favoured by the many of the authentic protesters in Euro-Maidan or even the grassroots members of his allies. When, without any election or public discussion, he was arbitrarily given the office of prime minister, many in the Euro-Maidan protest booed him and some even cried “bullet to his head.” His party boss, the infamously corrupt Yulia Volodymyrivna Tymoshenko, was booed too after she arrived. In reality, Yatsenyuk and the other Ukrainian politicians like the ultra-nationalist Svoboda’s Oleh Tyahnybok, appropriated the hopes and dreams of the Ukrainians that were protesting against not only the Ukrainian government of Viktor Fedorovych Yanukovych, but the entire corrupt Ukrainian political establishment. Hiding behind the protesters, Yatsenyuk and Tymoshenko’s Batkivshchyna Party used the militias of their ultra-nationalist political allies to launch a violent coup in Kiev.

There is no functioning democracy in Ukraine and, with the full support of the European Union and the US government, free speech inside Ukraine is under attack by the new regime and its thugs. Yatsenyuk’s coup-installed regime has cracked down on media freedoms, sent the Ukrainian military and security forces to attack anti-coup protesters under the pretext of NATO-backed anti-terrorism operations, and started purges and witch hunts all over Ukraine. This started with the head of the National Television Company of Ukraine, Aleksandr Panteleymonov, being threatened and beaten into resigning by Svoboda deputies Igor Miroshnynchenko and Andrey Ilyenko.

A atmosphere of intimidation and bullying is the new order of the day in Nulandistan and politicians opposing the regime are regularly threatened and beaten, some to the point of near death. Intimidation and violent tactics have also been used to force Ukrainian politicians and civil servants to resign or hand over power across Ukraine.

Inside the Verkhova Rada or Ukrainian Parliament any of the remaining deputies who dare to speak against the regime and its policies are silences and beaten up. This is the US-supported freedom of speech that has been brought to Ukraine, Nuland-style. For example, senior deputy Petro Symonenko has been caught on film being pushed and prevented from speaking, just for daring to condemn the use of the Ukrainian military and security forces against civilian protesters by Yatsenyuk’s regime. Before being silenced, Symonenko made the key point of noting how the ultra-nationalists were serving foreign interests and not the national interests of Ukraine and actually dividing the Eastern European country. The senior Rada deputy’s party offices have also been burned, like those of other political parties in Ukraine opposing the coup. Again, welcome to Nulandistan: brought to you by the US Department of State, CIA, USAID, National Endowment for Democracy (NED), and a whole host of other US tentacles.

Since they took power, the so-called Euro-Maidan “democrats” of the Yatsenyuk regime began killing those Ukrainians that opposed them or protested against them. In the process the Yatsenyuk regime is denying them the rights that Arseniy Yatsenyuk, and the Euro-Maidan movement claimed legitimized their coup and violent takeover of power in Kiev.

The House of Trade Unions Massacre in Odessa

In the famous port city of Odessa, on the coast of the Black Sea, the Yatsenyuk regime tried to create sectarian provocation by allowing a football match between Chernomorets Odessa and Metalist Kharkov, knowing that thousands of ultra-nationalist regime supporters would flock into Odessa for the match on May 2, 2014. After the match the regime supporters held a rally sanctioned by the regime-installed local authorities where they started yelling “knife the Russians” using derogatory language. Then what appeared to be anti-coup activists, which either support federalization or separation, wearing St. George’s Ribbons and red bands on their sleeves confronted the regime supporters, which led to a violent confrontation in Odessa.

In retrospect, it has become clear that these thugs were really undercover agents and agent provocateurs. Some of the riot police and security forces, which were sent by the regime in Kiev from outside Odessa, were also were wearing the same red bands around their sleeves and associating with the fake anti-coup activists. After the fake anti-coup activists, which are being called the “third party” in retrospect, disappeared the pro-coup side attacked the unrelated and peaceful anti-coup activists that were near Odessa’s House of Trade Unions. When the anti-coup activists ran inside the building for safety, it was set ablaze with Molotov cocktails. The police watched as the pro-coup side attacked and killed the peaceful activists in House of Trade Unions while ambulances and fire trucks were prevented from saving many of the people inside that burned.

Read the rest here:

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