
Wednesday, May 14, 2014


Alarmist Headlines on ‘Antarctic Ice Sheet Collapse’ Obscure Truth

Dubious prediction isn’t even expected for 1,000 years

Paul Joseph Watson

Scaremongering headlines about the “collapse” of the the Antarctic ice sheet omitted the fact that such an event isn’t predicted to happen for as much as 1,000 years, underscoring once again how the mass media grossly exaggerates the threat posed by global warming.

On Monday, the Guardian reported that the “Western Antarctic ice sheet collapse has already begun,” prompting the likes of NBC News, the New York Times, the LA Times and CNN to hastily regurgitate the alarmism.

It isn’t until the third paragraph of the Guardian article that the true context of the story becomes clear, when Suzanne Goldenberg acknowledges that the potential loss of the ice sheet along with a 13ft sea level rise “is still several centuries off, and potentially up to 1,000 years away.”

The article also failed to mention that Antarctic sea ice expanded to record levels for April, growing by more than 110,000sq km a day last month to nine million square kilometers...

Read the rest here:

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