
Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Ban microwaves...and Liberals...and keep supplying guns to Al Qaeda...

Washington Gunman Recently Told Cops He Was Being Bombarded By Microwave Signals That Kept Him Awake At Night

The Smoking Gun

Six weeks before going on a killing spree at the Washington Navy Yard, Aaron Alexis told Rhode Island police that he was being followed by individuals who were using a "microwave machine" to send vibrations into his body that kept him from falling asleep, according to a bizarre police report.

On August 7, Alexis summoned Newport cops to a Marriott hotel where he was staying. During a 6:30 AM interview, the 34-year-old--who said he was a "naval contractor" who traveled often--told officers that voices were harassing him through a hotel wall, adding that he was fearful he could be harmed.

Alexis explained to police that he had previously gotten into an argument prior to boarding a plane in Virginia, and believed that the person with whom he quarreled had dispatched three individuals “to follow him and keep him awake by talking to him and sending vibrations into his body.” While he had not seen these individuals, Alexis said he “believes they are two black males and a black female.”

While Newport cops have confirmed that Alexis is the subject of their report, his name has been redacted from the document.

Additionally, Alexis claimed that the voices had forced him to flee two prior hotels, one of which was on Naval Station Newport (where Alexis was apparently set to do contracting work). Alexis refused to tell cops what the voices were saying to him “through the walls, floor and ceiling.”

The unknown individuals, Alexis said, were using “some sort of microwave machine” to send vibrations into his body. Alexis assured cops that he did not have a history of mental illness in his family or any sort of prior “mental episode.”

A Newport patrolman advised Alexis to “stay away from the individuals that are following him” and notify police “if they attempt to make contact with him.”

Alarmed by Alexis’s behavior--and concerned about possible “Naval Base implications”--a Newport police sergeant faxed a copy of the department’s report to naval station police. A Navy cop--whose name is redacted from the Newport Police Department report--advised that they “would follow up on this subject and determine if he is in fact, a naval contractor.”


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Friend: Navy Yard Shooter Liberal, Supported Obama

John Nolte

Tuesday, on CNN’s “The Lead with Jake Tapper,” Michael Ritrovato spoke at length about his friend, suspected Navy Yard shooter Aaron Alexis. After expressing his condolences to the victims and their families, Ritrovato then expressed his shock over the actions of a man he described as being “like a brother to me” and a “good-natured guy.”

Ritrovato went on to explain that two of them had a close relationship based in part on their differences, specifically race and politics. Alexis was black, Ritrovato is white. Ritrovato described himself as conservative and Alexis is “more of a liberal type” who supported Barack Obama:

I would say things like, ‘You know, you are my brother from another mother.’ And he would say things like, ‘You’re my Italian mafia guy from New York.’ So we had things we joked about: Aaron wasn’t conservative like I am. He was more of a liberal type; he wasn’t happy with the former [Bush] administration. He was more happy with this [the Obama] administration — as far as presidential administrations...


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Obama: The Second Amendment Only Applies to Al-Qaeda

President pushed to disarm Americans on the same day he approved arming al-Qaeda

Kit Daniels

President Barack Obama accelerated firearm shipments to al-Qaeda on the very same day he demanded more gun control in the wake of the D.C. Navy Yard shooting.

Obama waived a provision in federal law specifically designed to keep the U.S. government from supplying firearms to terrorists such as al-Qaeda, according to the Washington Examiner.

Citing his authority under the Arms Export Control Act, the president declared Monday that he would “waive the prohibitions in sections 40 and 40A of the AECA related to such a transaction.”

No longer will Obama need to rely on the CIA to give free guns to Islamic extremists in Syria; now he will make the transfers openly with this “transparent government” initiative.

On the same day as his overt approval for arms to al-Qaeda, Obama announced that he is drafting executive orders for more gun control.

“We have gone about implementing the executive actions that were part of the president’s plan to take action to reduce gun violence,” White House press secretary Jay Carney said after the Navy Yard shooting. “Obviously, he continues to support measures taken by Congress — that could be taken by Congress to reduce gun violence in a common-sense way, like improving our background-check system.”

In essence, Obama will act on his own to force firearm restrictions onto the American people and if Congress would like to join him later, they are welcome to do so.

He already has allies in Congress drooling to disarm law-abiding citizens.

“When will enough be enough?” Sen. Diane Feinstein (D-Cali.) asked. “Congress must stop shirking its responsibility and resume a thoughtful debate on gun violence in this country.”

“We must do more to stop this endless loss of life.”

Yet contrary to that statement, Feinstein approves of Obama’s plan for war in Syria, which would place the U.S. military on the side of the Al-Qaeda rebels who are beheading Syrian Christians with cinder blocks and machetes.

Obama is not content with the rebels only being armed with knives, however, as his administration prepares to further arm terrorists with automatic weapons which he does not believe law-abiding citizens should own.

Federal agencies are already drying up gun supplies in America with massive firearm and ammunition purchases which drive private gun owners out of the market.

This is essentially back-door gun control.

In a recent purchase, the Department of Defense bought millions of rounds of Soviet 7.62x39mm ammo and nearly 600,000 AK-47 magazines.

AK-47s, which are chambered for the 7.62x39mm round, are commonly used by American gun owners but not the American military.

They are also used regularly by al-Qaeda and other terrorist groups around the world.

In his “effort” to reduce violence, Obama is arming Al-Qaeda extremists while disarming peaceful Americans.


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