
Saturday, February 9, 2013

Gun grabbers refuse to put gun free zone signs in their front yards...

Gun control advocates refuse to place 'gun free zone' signs in their own front yards

by: J. D. Heyes

They don't mind publishing the names of law-abiding gun owners living in their area, violating their privacy and putting them in danger, but when it comes to news publishers, editors and columnists letting the public know they live in a gun-free zone - a statement of principle that could put them in danger, well, that's a different story.

It is a small irony highlighted by a group known as "Project VERITAS" in a new 10-minute video that puts the hypocrisy of the issue front and center.

The video begins with footage of a litany of actors all decrying "senseless violence" caused by firearms. A logo accompanying the footage says, "Citizens Against Senseless Violence," with the word "Senseless" on a red banner displayed over what resembles an AR-15 carbine.

From there, the video launches into clips of actual television news broadcasts featuring several newspapers that have shamelessly published the names of gun permit holders in their area. In response to that blatant, politically motivated privacy violation, several Project VERITAS members under the "Citizens Against Senseless Violence" logo decided to see how many journalists from those papers would be willing to put up a sign in their yard advertising the fact that they were living in a gun-free zone.

Needless to say, none did.

What's good for you is not good for them

-- One columnist for the Star-Ledger in New Jersey, Bob Braun, said while he agreed with the group in principle, nonetheless chuckled, "I'm just wondering if that's not an invitation to somebody with a gun."

Turning to a woman who most likely was his wife, he asked, "Do you want to sign up?" She answered, "Um, I want to think about it. I agree with you, but I'm not sure about the sign."

Braun continued: "If [the sign] did not say, 'This home is proudly gun-free,' I would put the sign up."

-- The group traveled to the home of ultra-left-wing progressive Toure, an MSNBC contributor who is vehemently anti-Second Amendment, but he, too, did not have the strength of is convictions to advertise that publicly.

"I...uh...agree with you in terms of gun control," he stammered on the video, but he, too, would not take the sign. He did; however, say he was "not a gun owner."

-- At the home of Janet Hasson, the slime bag (EDITOR'S NOTE: I'M NOT SURE IF WE WANT TO BE THE TYPE OF NEWS OUTLET THAT RESORTS TO NAME CALLING. I THINK WE CAN GET OUR POINT ACROSS WHILE STAYING ABOVE THAT KIND OF STUFF) publisher of the Journal News, which had no problem publishing the names of gun owners, the group noticed this pathetic hypocrite getting out of her vehicle with an armed security guard.

In discussing the installation of the sign in her yard at her home, her husband said simply, "Yeah, we can't put it up."

When pressed, he responded: "My wife works for the newspaper." The group offered him the sign to "put up when he felt the time was right," and he said he would. He then went on to explain that he once moved to Canada because "he hated guns" and that guns should be limited to "one bullet magazines." But he justified the armed guard, who no doubt was carrying a handgun with a magazine that contained more than a dozen rounds, because hey, you know, his wife's life had been threatened and she was in danger.

Other Journal News editors also had armed guards.

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