
Thursday, October 11, 2012

Police Officer Targets Citizen as Dangerous Constitionalist in Disputed Raid...

'He’s a Constitutionalist'
by William Norman Grigg

"Bear! There are guys with guns outside!" shouted Marcella Cruz to her husband as she looked out the kitchen window of their farmhouse in Letha, Idaho.

Timidly opening the kitchen door, Marcella – a small, slender, middle-aged woman – spied a large man carrying a gun and wearing a tactical vest.

"Don’t go back into the house," the stranger ordered Marcella as the woman instinctively retreated into the safety of her home.

At roughly the same time, another intruder armed with an assault rifle pounded on the front door.

"Come out!" he demanded.

As Marcella tried to shut the kitchen door, the first intruder – who outweighed her by at least 100 pounds – grabbed her by the left wrist and started to pull the terrified woman from the house.

"Why are you dragging me out of my home?" asked the terrified woman. "Why would you be pulling me out of my home?"

"Open the door," insisted the assailant, using his weight advantage and leverage to extract the woman, who had braced herself against one side of the door while clinging desperately to the other with her right hand. As she lost her grip, the left side of Marcella’s body scraped painfully against the door frame before she was thrown to the ground.

One of the invaders finally identified himself.

"Bear! Step out – Sheriff’s office!" bellowed the Berserker packing an assault weapon.

"What’s the matter?" asked Michael Gibbons – known as "Bear" to his friends – as the exasperated farmer opened the front door. "What is the problem?"

"Who else is in the house?" demanded one of the invaders.

"Nobody," replied Bear.

"You guys having a fight this morning?" inquired the armed man, his finger still poised on the trigger.

"We had an argument," Bear replied, his voice tinged with incredulity. "What’s going on?"

"We’ll let you know in a sec," the armed man replied in a dismissive tone. "For right now, go to your knees for me. Face away from me."

Read the rest here:

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