
Sunday, October 21, 2012

Good title...

Side effects of GMOs – Ask your doctor if CANCER is right for you

S. D. Wells

If I sprayed your salad with some “RAID” roach killer right now, just a little bit right on the lettuce and maybe a little more on the tomatoes, would you still eat it all, and just assume your body will simply filter out those “small amounts” of toxins? Better yet, what if I paid for it, a nice big, tasty, “bug killer” salad that you could even take outside and no bugs would bother you at all, would you eat it? How about this: If I sprayed a quick shot of some Raid ant killer into your orange juice or your apple juice right in front of you, would you drink it, especially if you’d save 25 cents on every drink you drank from now on? What if most vegetables, fruits, and fruit juice drinks were sold that way, and cheaper than the “Non-Raid” food, would you still buy them? Wouldn’t that pay off for you in the long run? I guess not, because you’re not stupid, are you?

What if the NUMBER ONE SIDE EFFECT of your medication was CANCER, would you still take it, just to temporarily make that headache go away, or maybe to make a little muscle ache disappear for a few hours? GMO means food and medicine are genetically modified, with bacteria and sometimes with viruses, or with weed killer, worm killer, bug killer and people killer. “Pesticide food” is well planned out and has been for decades. Let’s look at history for proof.

Pesticide food timeline

1920 – German chemical companies are hired by Adolf Hitler to create mustard gas, pesticides, and insecticides to be used to gas enemy soldiers at the front lines and in the trenches of WWI.

1940 – Hitler uses odorless gas created by the pharmaceutical conglomerate I.G. Farben (Monsanto, Hoescht, BASF and Bayer) to gas to death millions of Jews in WWII atrocity at Auschwitz and other concentration camps. (

1950s – Hitler’s scientists and “deadly gas” creators are sentenced for their war crimes of enslavement and murder. The scientists somehow only get put in prison for four to seven years for mass murder, and when they get out of jail, the U.S. government and major pharmaceutical firms hire them to work on food chemicals and pesticides for American farmlands (The “birth” of GMO). (

1960s – United States uses Agent Orange (created by Monsanto and Dow Chemical) to burn down the thick forestry of Vietnam, but millions of Vietnamese families get cancer from it, and tens of thousands of U.S. soldiers come home with cancer, most to die from it in less than a decade. (

1980 – Aspartame, a genetically modified sugar substitute, banned for decades, was pushed through the system/legislation by Donald Rumsfeld and Ronald Reagan, who fired the head of the FDA and put in place their own partner in crime, right from the first day Reagan took office ( This toxification of millions of innocent Americans auspiciously timed for the “weight loss” craze phase of the 1980s. Rumsfeld just happened to be the CEO of Searle Pharmaceutical, and Searle profited in the billions. So much for “insider trading” laws and “conflicts of interest.” The U.S. government was blatantly breeding cancer and selling it as food.

1990s – Reign of the biotech “Big Agriculture” and pharmaceutical giants: Monsanto, Dow, Dupont, Hoescht, BASF, and Bayer (German mass murdering scientists and their disciples) continue intense work on the real GMO “frankenfoods” that are most popular in the United States: cancer-causing corn and cancer-causing soy, both resistant to the pesticide ingredients used in Vietnam. (

2001 – George W. Bush and his conspiring vice president, Dick Cheney, under advisement from Donald Rumsfeld, subsidize CORN AND SOY in the U.S., helping Monsanto Corporation basically enslave U.S. farmers with seed, equipment, and pesticide “deals” where they are legally bound to use toxic RoundUp pesticide on RoundUp Ready crops, the ones that contain pesticide in the seeds.

1940-2012 – No U.S. legislation restricting pesticides in food. The most evil biotech companies are allowed to “police themselves.” The government sets no limits on the amount of RoundUp contained in corn and soy, nor how much can be sprayed on them as well. No FDA regulations for GMO infant food, including GM pesticide in infant formulas. “Biotech” becomes the fancy umbrella name for PESTICIDE FOOD MANUFACTURERS.

September, 2012 – French scientists conclude FIRST EVER long-term study of GMO on rats; extensive research PROVING GMO CORN causes horrific tumors in rats, killing 70 percent of females early, long before their average two-year life expectancy.

October, 2012 – Europe-wide ban on Monsanto GM corn imminent in wake of French study linking it to cancer. Russia also bans all GM corn imports. (

October 2012 – Monsanto, Dow Chemical, Dupont, Bayer, Dean Foods (the dairy giant), General Mills, Kellogg’s and Smucker are fighting to keep GMO foods UNLABELED so cancer can be perpetuated! Insurance companies invest in FAST FOOD industry, thus banking on more people getting cancer. (
To make matters worse, several “organic” food companies sell out to the GM owned corporate elite. (

2013 and beyond: No end in sight: Most VACCINES AND FLU SHOTS contain GMO ingredients. Chemotherapy (AKA “agent orange”) is pushed on the masses as a viable treatment for people who have been steadily consuming pesticide, fluoride, bleach, aspartame, MSG and GMO.

Side effects of GMO for ALL ANIMALS

Attention all humans, you are animals also, remember? Human beings have over 90 percent the same genetic make-up (DNA) as monkeys, dogs, cats, and rats. (
When you consume GMO corn chips, cereals, wheat products, soy “milk,” and the like, you are heading off a HEALTH CLIFF. Turn around now! Stop eating GMO, and that includes meat and milk which comes from animals shot up with GM hormones, steroids, and the “corporate” animals which eat GM feed like corn and alfalfa. (

Find out exactly how to quit eating GMO food right now. Find out how to help get all GM food labeled! ( Side effects of long-term GM food consumption include liver cancer, kidney cancer, colon cancer, prostate cancer, breast cancer (for men too), thyroid tumors, Parkinson’s disease, infertility, birth defects, autism and brain tumors. The dreaded diagnosis of cancer has been linked in over 260 studies worldwide to agrochemicals.

The three-tier cure for cancer

1. Drink spring water: If you don’t trust it in plastic bottles due to bisphenol/BPA, just find natural springs near where you live. (

2. Eat only “Certified Organic” food or grow your own. (

3. Eat superfoods. (

Remember, knowledge is power, and no person or organization can ever take it away from you. Remember that the body is the temple of the soul, so treat it that way. Otherwise, if you’re still considering a GMO food diet or regimen, be sure and ask your doctor if CANCER is right for you.


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