
Thursday, October 4, 2012

"America again has been let down. Two useless, weak men running for the highest position in the land, doing nothing more than confirming to us America will continue to spiral into one of the worst depressions this country has ever seen. We have been sold out."

A 90 Minute Marlon Brando Performance – Romney Uses Lies to Scratch Out Likability – God Help Us

by Mark Schumacher

As I sat and watched Mitt Romney trying to sell America that he was the man who would solve America’s problems, I was impatiently waiting for the only way that it could be done. That moment never came. Mitt Romney will never abolish the Federal Reserve.

What we heard last night was not only a complete waste of air time, but also embarrassing as to not escape the fact that the rest of the world must have been laughing out loud at what the United States of America had standing at the two podiums flapping their lips together. Mitt Romney did his best to not look like a used car salesman; while Barry Soretoro aka Barack Obama looked like he was hanging on to the outside of Air Force One by his fingernails, while flying over the White house.

America again has been let down. Two useless, weak men running for the highest position in the land, doing nothing more than confirming to us America will continue to spiral into one of the worst depressions this country has ever seen. We have been sold out.

We now will have to endure the torturous gum flapping from the pompous over paid talking heads, spew their propaganda spin over at Fox News headquarters, as Romney will be perceived as the point grabber for the night, mindless gobble de gook from idiots like Ann Coulter and crew on how America will somehow be in better hands. Romney is nothing more than a used car salesman selling used American Motors automobiles slowly rotting from years on a sun drenched lot.

We now will have to endure another false pretense of the everything will be alright if you elect me as president debate, from the number two in chief, Paul Ryan. Another rich, inside information grabber who makes money the easy way, steal it from the American taxpayer. Paul Ryan is another dishonest human being. We are going to have to endure up to 90 minutes of another round of horse manure. Just think about this for a moment, the clown in chief, Joe Biden, who has never worked an honest day in his life, living in luxury, and his brave young co-heart, Paul Ryan. These two birds are going to try and explain away the impossible; how they will eliminate a 16 trillion dollar debt.

All we are doing is giving fodder to the propaganda machine, doing nothing to help our Republic recover from the worst depression we have ever seen. Unless we end the Federal Reserve, forgive all debt, seal the borders and take back what has been stolen from us, we are through. America must either break apart into multiple unions and start over, or get rid of these birds and find the right man for the job. Too many past and present presidents have used America as a personal piggy bank. The American people have been sold out.

That simple.

God help us and God help the Republic of the United States of America


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