
Monday, July 9, 2012

"We now know, without a doubt, that it's the excessive fructose content in the modern diet that is taking such a devastating toll on people's health..."

'60 Minutes' Reports on the Dangers of Sugar

by Joseph Mercola

Story at-a-glance

60 Minutes recently reported on the scientific findings that sugar is a toxin that can lead to major chronic diseases including obesity, heart disease, and cancer. Test subjects in strict clinical trials who were monitored 24 hours a day, who consumed high fructose corn syrup, developed higher risk factors for cardiovascular disease within two weeks

In the mid-70’s, when dietary fats were inaccurately blamed for causing heart disease, spawning the still-persistent low-fat craze, processed food makers began swapping out the fats and replacing them with corn syrup. It’s not difficult to see that trading fat for sugar was not a wise move. We now know, without a doubt, that it's the excessive fructose content in the modern diet that is taking such a devastating toll on people's health

Excessive fructose consumption leads to insulin resistance, which appears to be the root of many if not most chronic diseases. Fructose also raises your uric acid levels – it typically generates uric acid within minutes of ingestion – which in turn can wreak havoc on your blood pressure, insulin production, and kidney function. So far, scientific studies have linked fructose to about 78 different diseases and health problems

By Dr. Mercola

If you haven't viewed the video at the top, please schedule 20 minutes and do so as you will thoroughly enjoy this 60 Minutes vindication of sugar's dangers.

In a ground-breaking news story, 60 Minutes reports that new research coming out of some of America's most respected institutions is finding that sugar is a toxin that can lead to major chronic diseases such as obesity, heart disease, and cancer.

This is jolting to people who don't realize that even if they don't add it to their foods, hidden sugar, including high fructose corn syrup (HFCS), is in virtually all processed foods, from yogurts and sauces to breads and sodas.

Although some experts argue that "sugar is sugar," test subjects in strict clinical trials who were monitored 24 hours a day, who consumed HFCS, developed higher risk factors for cardiovascular disease within two weeks.

Other studies indicate that if you limit your sugar, no matter what form you get it in, you decrease your chances of developing cancer – including breast and colon cancers.

What's even more startling is that a growing number of studies are also showing that the more sugar you eat, the less satisfied you are.
It Pays to Listen to Alternative Health Experts...

This is another perfect example of how it can take the conventional medical establishment YEARS to catch up to the truth.

I've been writing about the dangers of high sugar consumption for over 15 years, ever since I started this web site back in 1997, as this is (or at least should be) part of the very basics of "proper nutrition."

So if you're a longtime subscriber to this newsletter (or other alternative health news), you've had a tremendous head start.

As time went on, it first became increasingly clear that high fructose corn syrup (HFCS) was more problematic than regular sugar (sucrose), and later, that whichever form of sugar you consume, it can act as a literal toxin in your body when consumed in excess.

Back in the year 2000, I published the work of Bill Misner, Ph.D. in an article that was aptly named Killer Sugar – Suicide With a Spoon. Then, about two years ago, I came across one of Dr. Robert Lustig's lectures, and I immediately knew he was right – sugar is a toxin; at least in the high amounts most American's are getting it in.

As Dr. Lustig states in his article on the website Diet Doctori :

"The problem with sugar isn't just weight gain ... A growing body of scientific evidence is showing that fructose can trigger processes that lead to liver toxicity and a host of other chronic diseases. A little is not a problem, but a lot kills – slowly."

That same year, the brilliant work of Dr. Richard Johnson also convinced me that fructose is the worst of the two (although it's really like choosing between two evils.) Now, finally, 60 Minutes, which is one of my favorite TV shows, has revealed the truth to the masses, and yes, some people are absolutely shocked by it. Interestingly, as I have gotten to know Dr. Johnson, I learned that I actually inspired him to pursue this topic further. Very shortly, we plan to be publishing his new book, The Fat Switch, which promises to turn the health world on its head with his exciting discoveries.
How High Fructose Corn Syrup has Decimated Human Health

High fructose corn syrup (HFCS) entered the American market in 1975. Food and beverage manufacturers quickly began switching their sweeteners from sucrose (table sugar) to corn syrup when they discovered that it could save them a lot of money. Sucrose costs about three times as much as HFCS. HFCS is also about 20 percent sweeter than table sugar, so you need less to achieve the same amount of sweetness.

Around that same time, dietary fats were blamed for heart disease, giving rise to the "low-fat craze," which resulted in an explosion of processed nonfat and low fat convenience foods – most of which tasted like sawdust unless sugar was added. Fructose was then added to make all these fat-free products more palatable. Yet as the low-fat craze spread, rates of heart disease, diabetes, and obesity skyrocketed...

Clearly, this plan was seriously flawed from the get-go, and it's not difficult to see that trading fat for sugar is not a wise move.

We now know, without a doubt, that it's the excessive fructose content in the modern diet that is taking such a devastating toll on people's health.

At the heart of it all is the fact that excessive fructose consumption leads to insulin resistance, and insulin resistance appears to be the root of many if not most chronic disease. Insulin resistance has even been found to be an underlying factor of cancer. Fructose also raises your uric acid levels – it typically generates uric acid within minutes of ingestion, which in turn can wreak havoc on your blood pressure, insulin production, and kidney function. So far, scientific studies have linked fructose to about 78 different diseases and health problemsii . For example, fructose may...

Read the rest here:

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