
Sunday, March 4, 2012

Only one candidate for president is talking about the real issues...

Financial Crisis? What Financial Crisis? The Entire National Nomination Debate Is Focused On Condoms, Contraception And Killing Babies. War? What War?

Before It's News

By ignoring the obvious, that fiscal disintegration is a gathering snowball rolling downhill straight into our living rooms, we ignore what's affecting us the most.

First, we ignore the massive “expense” of war.

Then we hide the effects of printing money under 'devaluation' that only works if
other countries do not devalue in the same proportion, so talk of devaluation is flogging another fallacy.

What's actually happening is that the indebted owners of real estate and farmland and the shareholders of indebted corporations are being helped to the disadvantage of the enormous majority whose savings are invested in their homes, bonds, debentures, savings-bank deposits, and insurance policies.

So it is paramount that creditors must not be identified with the rich nor the debtors with the poor – we'd better not talk about money at all, let alone war.

Deliberate inflation, cloaked in a plea for devaluation under the complicated
obfuscation of “mathematical economics” simply does not work any more – but
everyone knows it.

Can the government rebel against the preponderance of generally accepted ideologies,
even if fallacious, by simply ignoring them and focusing the entire debate on condoms, contraception and killing babies?


So what in fact are both parties asking us to vote for?

Well, Profit Before People of course.

Like always.

And the most profitable business on the planet is "War".

But we mustn't forget that Profit Comes FROM People!

I've never fully understood the phrase 'Profit Before People” unless it refers to war, the most profitable business yet thought up by those silly short-sighted capitalists.

If you think about it, Monsanto can't sell seeds to anyone except farmers who are the consumers of seeds.

People are consumers of everything that makes a profit so why kill people unless they're so poor they can't even buy seeds?

Okay, except for the people fighting wars, maybe poor people are just another expendable commodity, Kissinger's alleged 'useless eaters'.

But soldiers do not produce anything except death and even today it's on a relatively small scale. The number of soldiers lost during a year's fighting (one Act in the Ongoing Theater of War) is about the same as the number of people killed on American roads in a year, so no one is all that worried except immediate families who also have to live with the notion of 'collateral damage'.

And anyway, soldiering is a private business today what with Monsanto buying Xe or whatever they're called, a soldier-training company made up of Kissinger's jobless volunteer expendables, like any good army.

Loyalty to a homeland, Mothers and Apple Pie has been replaced by loyalty to companies that obviously offer much heftier employment packages, including possible retirement and that is a better alternative to the local shelter.

But even war profit has to come from people's work – and who are they? Why, the voters who are employed making the impedimentae for the Masters Of War, not the soldiers.

What Makes War So Profitable?

“Planned Obsolescence” I can understand in the profit context – it's no good making a one-off profit on something that consumers will never buy again.

Better profit on cars, TVs, power tools and other stuff that doesn't last: make the life of the product as short as will be accepted by the consumer or just force replacement like in Japan where I'm told one is not allowed to own a car for more than three years!

The logical conclusion to the concept of Planned Obsolescence is Instant Obsolescence!

Instant Profit!

Huge profit!

What an idea!

We'll call it "War" and build hundreds of factories to feed it, each with a conveyor belt that has on the one end a continuous supply of men and materials all bought and paid for with taxpayer debt and at the other end a large continuously exploding hole in the ground that destroys everything made in the factories and any other collateral thrown in.

And the factories just keep on employing some of us to make more and more, very profitable, instantly expendable and obsolete stuff.

And if there's anything that doesn't get blown up, why just park it off in a boneyard somewhre in the desert.

War means lots of employment.

And everyone, including congressmen can invest in it... except those not involved. But are we not all involved?

“All mankind is of one author... No man is an island, entire of itself... any man's death diminishes me, because I am involved in mankind, and therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls: it tolls for thee.” John Donne 1572-1631)

All the darkness of the world cannot put out the light of a single candle.

There are many candles lit around the world, so you don't have to be afraid of the dark...

Or vote for war.


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