
Monday, March 5, 2012

No evidence of nuclear weapons in Iran...

IAEA: No Evidence Iran is Developing a Nuclear Weapon

PBS reports that Iran is following all safeguards of the International Atomic Energy Agency. The IAEA is unable to produce any credible evidence that Iran was interested in producing a nuclear weapon in the past.

Iran is producing low-enriched uranium for the Tehran Research Reactor. They have been honest in their declarations of the number of centrifuges they possess for enrichment. The IAEA is unaware of any facilities for reprocessing spent nuclear fuel.

Iran’s heavy-water nuclear reactor should be operational in 2014 in Arak.

Uranium oxide will be produced in two forms of which Iran has specified to the agency they will produce pellet, fuel rod, and fuel assembly production using natural Uranium oxide.

It appears that Iran is following all safeguards and guidelines given by the IAEA and has no intention of producing a nuclear weapon.


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