
Friday, November 4, 2011

"As the news fills with stories about Israel’s plan to attack nuclear weapons facilities in Iran, real or imagined, an October 27 story in Veterans Today, Iran and Israel Caught – Partnering in Nuclear Attack Ploy, laid bare their war plans based on a series of highly placed leaks."

Veterans Today Stands Accused, But Not of Enough

By Gordon Duff, Senior Editor

As the news fills with stories about Israel’s plan to attack nuclear weapons facilities in Iran, real or imagined, an October 27 story in Veterans Today, Iran and Israel Caught – Partnering in Nuclear Attack Ploy, laid bare their war plans based on a series of highly placed leaks.

There were so many “leakers”, Israel, Iran, Ukraine, US, that we hardly had time to talk to them all.

Why the leaks? Seldom in history has there been a war so few people actually want to fight.

As our initial report indicates, not only does Iran know it’s coming, they have agreed to “paint” the target themselves. They need it more than Israel does.

When we ask why, we descend into the murky world of finance where money disasters, as we have seen in the European Union, reeling from one Greek disaster to another, can be worse than any nuclear attack.

For Israel, the problem is “oil futures.” “Futures” aren’t really investments, they’re really bets, gambling, usually based on “insider knowledge” of a market.

The oil market is based on “supply and demand.” Economic circumstances controls supply and world economies are crashing and out of control, particularly in Europe but the United States as well, the two largest oil markets.

There is no demand for oil.

This leaves “supply.” Oil supplies are controlled two ways. Prices are pushed up by threats of war which could include damage or even purposeful attack on oil facilities as in Kuwait.

A more unique situation is Iran’s capability of shutting off supply by closing the Straits of Hormuz, the narrow waterway where oil tankers from the Persian Gulf must pass.

Iran totally controls it and Iran’s only real military capability other than having a 13 million man militia, is the thousands of missiles it has pointed at the Straits.

Can war really be “pretend?” Have things gone that far? The answer, of course, is in the leaks. Everyone is doing it, you can’t shut them up.

What were the leaks?

Israel had bought billions in oil futures, bets based on secret knowledge of upcoming events that would make oil go up in price, way up, despite all indications otherwise. They knew something nobody else knew. Have we heard this accusation before, perhaps on 9/11, airline stock futures?
Sources in Iran, not only confirmed Israel’s investment strategy but admitted as well that factions in Iran were set to share in Israel’s potential massive profits if, for some mysterious reason, an attack on Iran, one doomed to be at best a joke attack, were to go forward.
Sources in Iran, in actuality, confirmed that also, that they had knowledge of an Israeli attack and that some in Iran were fully complicit, willing to “stand aside” and allow Israel to fly 1400 miles to Iran under continual radar observation, total “sitting ducks,” for an attack that, considering the size of Iran, that would be like killing an elephant with a grain of sand. Any attack attempt would be reported by Russian satellites, advanced Russian systems in Syria and, of course, by the thousands of Russian radar and satellite technicians working in Iran. The “in air” refueling planes themselves would be seen from as far away as Germany.
Iranian sources went further, naming those in Iran who had been offered payment by Israel, part of the oil future proceeds, proceeds that could become a massive debt, hundreds of billions, unless an attack is carried out soon and oil quickly goes above $120 a barrel, way above that, the price set by this round out “futures.”
Iran has its own interests. As a nation with little but an oil economy, it is dependent on direct sale of oil for its survival. When this was last discussed but not leaked by everyone, back in 2008, there was a bit of a different world. Let’s take a look at that now:

The initial plan was made in 2008. Real plans for an invasion of Iran by the Bush administration and PNAC, the Israeli run foundation that advised President Bush on all policies and “peopled” his administration with some whose loyalties were “obscure” at best, had failed.

“False Flag” naval attacks in the Persian Gulf had been attempted, phony patrol boats, phony radio traffic, a typical Bush/Netanyahu “Marx Brothers” operation.

Then the Bush administration went to the government of Bahrain and asked them to help blow up a facility killing a few dozen American servicemen.

We had seen a similar “false flag” attack back in the 1980′s prior to the Libya bombing, something we have since learned was entirely “theatrical” and never really happened at all, not without Libyan permission.

No, no 15 month old “daughter of a dictator” was killed in the Tripoli bombings as we have been informed in more leaks, this one by President Reagan’s National Intelligence Coordinator, Lee Wanta.

We caught onto the Bahrain attack as well, another leak, this one from the Bush National Security Council, an assistant to someone named Paul Wolfowitz came forward.

An American general, Special Forces, working directly under Vice President Cheney, was sent to Bahrain to arrange the attack on American servicemen. White House officials who disapproved, flew to Bahrain and warned the Marine and Naval commanders. The attacks, to be staged by the intelligence services of Bahrain, were thwarted.

Some of those involved in stopping the murder of the Americans had their careers ruined, others had friends and relatives arrested and charged with “money laundering” and other spurious Patriot Act violations.

One senior member of the National Security Council actually had to flee the country and seek asylum. We know of one murder, a Turkish national.

The member of the NSC who went into hiding described a private meeting with Paul Wolfowitz from 1999, prior to his appointment to the NSC, while he was still with PNAC, where he described the plans to rig intelligence to attack Iraq for no other purpose than to stage an invasion of Iran. Of course to do this, it was necessary to rig a presidential election.

Thus, the clock moves forward and the map of the Middle East is in the process of being redrawn.

As to what has changed, the first area we discuss is the issue of “social cohesion.” Both Israel and Iran, at that time, were seen as “cohesive” societies. Israel was all Jews who bought in on Nethanyau’s “boogeyman stories” and Iran was totally under the thumb of the Mullahs.

Today, however, nobody believes Netanyahu, his new stories about Iran, published in paper after paper, “parallel nuclear weapons programs” and Iranians sharpening knives in their tents barely gets giggles anymore. In Iran, too much time has passed.

Control of civil government by uneducated religious leaders whose secret police arrest people for “witchcraft” and “consorting with jinns” (genies, a form of demon) has worn thin.

Any country that has a space program or that could build nuclear weapons and still believes these things is pretty silly.

Actually, religious leaders in Israel are almost identical to those in Iran, perhaps even worse and have, under Netanyahu, nearly as much influence as this story from Veterans Today tells us.

Currently rather broad interpretations of the Torah cover all sorts of things, including war based on financial speculation. Do we look at this “common ground” between Israel and Iran as a positive move toward world peace?


The last leak we had came from the Ukraine. Sources there, close to the highest levels of the government and military, reminded us of those “heady times” back in 2003. The Bush administration was on a worldwide crusade against Islam. Bush, now the least popular president in American history, accused by dozens of nations of war crimes, still had acceptable poll numbers, that and 200,000 troops in Iran.

Iran had an active nuclear weapons program at that time and openly admits it. With 200,000 Americans staring at them, under the command of criminal psychopaths led around by the nose by Israeli agents posing as members of the National Security Council, Iran chose to very publicly scrap its nuclear weapons program.

They were only buying time. The threat was very real to Iran, Bush planned an attack on Iran and was willing to do anything, including stage another attack on the United States as he had on 9′/11, to justify it.

This was no secret in the Middle East. Osama bin Laden had announced who planned 9/11 early on, while he was still alive before his death in 2001.

A “slam dunk” case for the innocence of bin Laden is made in this article in Veterans Today, Osama bin Laden: Closing the Case on an Innocent Man...

Read more here:

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