
Friday, September 9, 2011

Yes, it is...

The War on Terror is a Fraud

Tony Cartalucci

From the beginning, even for those wanting to believe the fairy tale that 9/11 was carried out by cave dwellers carrying box cutters directed by Osama Bin Laden, who by all accounts was dying or already dead from kidney failure in 2001 – “unfortunate blunders” in US foreign policy can still be blamed for the creation and perpetuation of the ubiquitous, unceasing terror organization known as Al Qaeda.

However, in light of recent events in Libya, Syria, Iran, and Algeria, there is exposed a truth, many have known for over 10 years, and many more are catching onto now – that the “War on Terror” is an absolute fraud, started, fueled and simultaneously fought against by the same handful of corporate-financier interests for the sole purpose of spreading Wall Street and London’s hegemony across the globe.

Inception: Al Qaeda Made in USA

By all accounts, including admissions by former Secretary of Defense Robert Gates and former National Security Adviser Zbigniew Brzezinski, Osama Bin Laden’s organization that would become Al Qaeda was created during the Soviet-Afghan war in in the late ’70s and throughout the ’80s. The funding of these militants did not begin after the Soviet invasion, but actually several years before the invasion. US intervention in Afghanistan by training and arming Afghanistan’s Mujaheddin, along with Osama Bin Laden’s Arab fighters, is one of the leading factors that led to the murderous and protracted decade-long war, according to the Nation in an article titled, “Blowback, the Prequel.”

Photo: Former US National Security Adviser Zbigniew Brzezinski meeting with Osama Bin Laden, then leading the CIA’s Arab legionaries in Afghanistan. Bin Laden’s Al Qaeda would later spin off into regional terrorist organizations, covertly armed, trained, and protected by the CIA to this day, including LIFG in Libya, MEK in Iraq and Iran, and Baluchi terrorists in Pakistan.

Bin Laden’s Al Qaeda would continue to fight after the Soviets were expelled from Afghanistan, this time in Kosovo’s bid for independence from Serbia in the late 1990s. Al Qaeda-trained Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) militants garnered a Serbian response which was then used by NATO as a pretext for intervention. NATO’s entry into the war led to the eventual carving up of the nation. Again, the CIA was found to be propping up Bin Laden’s terrorist legionaries. Serbia’s president, Slobodan Milošević would later be removed from power by yet another arm of American interventionism, the National Endowment for Democracy via Optor, now known as the infamous CANVAS organizationwhich, with US funding, trained activists ahead of the now admittedly US-engineered “Arab Spring.”

Despite Al Qaeda quickly becoming America’s arch enemy, filling the void left by a collapsed Soviet Union, and justifying America’s continued absurd defense spending as well as its enormous tactical holdings overseas throughout the ’90s, it appears the organization was still very much a vehicle carrying forward US foreign policy. And despite accusations that it was a terrorist organization, it continued receiving covert support from US and British intelligence agencies, as did many other extremist groups which eventually were integrated with Al Qaeda after September 11, 2001.

From Heroes to Villains, and Back Again

In the ’80s when the CIA was fueling Afghanistan’s decade-long war with the Soviet Union, in part provoked by US meddling in the region years before the invasion even took place, the Mujaheddin were portrayed as heroes and freedom fighters quite publicly. No better example can be cited of how this image was nurtured by the West’s massive propaganda machine than Hollywood’s Rambo III, an entire movie literally dedicated to the “gallant people of Afghanistan.” Many of those that fought in Afghanistan, particularly foreign fighters armed, trained, and brought in by the CIA, would go on to become some of the world’s most notorious terrorist groups, many of which are listed to this day on the US and UK foreign terrorist organization lists...

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