
Thursday, September 8, 2011

MSNBC Poll: Who do you think won the Republican debate at the Reagan library?

And the winner is....

Results with 666 short comments
Total of 96,444 votes - click on the "Display Comments" bar below to sort comments
Ron Paul 48.9%(47,113 votes)
Mitt Romney 18%(17,370 votes)
Rick Perry 14.8%(14,259 votes)
Jon Huntsman 7%(6,736 votes)
Newt Gingrich 4.6%(4,456 votes)
Herman Cain 3.2%(3,126 votes)
Michele Bachmann 2.4%(2,314 votes)
Rick Santorum 1.1%(1,070 votes)


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MSNBC distorts post-debate poll results to falsely depict Ron Paul as just barely winning

Mike Adams

A post-debate poll shown on reveals Ron Paul to be the landslide winner of the internet survey, capturing 43.5% of the votes on the question, "Who do you think won the Republican debate at the Reagan library?"

The next closest candidate, Mitt Romney, received just 21.5% of the votes, or almost exactly half the number of votes received by Ron Paul. You might expect Mitt Romney's graph bar, therefore, to be half the size of Ron Paul's right? Nope. These poll results, it turns out, have been radically distorted to diminish the apparent lead of Ron Paul in the poll.

Here's how the mainstream media smears Ron Paul with dishonest survey graphics

The poll results shown on are depicted with a horizontal bar for each candidate. The bar lengths are proportional for all other candidates except for Ron Paul, whose bar has been shortened by nearly half in order to falsely depict Ron Paul as being just "barely ahead" of Mitt Romney.

See the screen shot picture below to see for yourself. This was taken from the following URL:

(Note: The live URL at MSNBC may have changed since I wrote this story, which is why I posted my screen capture below. It was taken at 12:30 a.m. on September 8, 2011, and is not edited in any way other than the make it fit on this page.)

As you can see from the screen shot (below), this deliberate shortening of the Ron Paul bar was reserved solely for him, as all the rest of the candidates have accurate bar lengths. For example Rick Perry, who received 16.4% of the votes, has a bar that's roughly twice as long as Jon Huntsman, who received 7.8%.

And Huntsman's bar is roughly twice as long as that of Newt Gingrich, who received 4% of the votes. In fact, all the bars are accurate in the depiction of the pole except for Ron Paul's. His has been artificially shortened.

It's yet another example of the malicious dirty tricks being used against Ron Paul by the mainstream media which has gone out of its way to smear this man in every way possible, including distorting survey results in a way that makes them visually misleading. In reality, Ron Paul is the landslide favorite because Americans are waking up and realizing there is no candidate running for President (from either party) that has the integrity and 100% constitutional track record of Rep. Ron Paul.

No wonder the media has to cheat and lie to try to destroy this guy. If given an honest shot at the presidency, without the black box voting fraud and media smear campaigns, Ron Paul would undoubtedly win in a landslide.

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