
Sunday, September 4, 2011

More communities waking up to the dangers of fluoridation...

Philadelphia exurb ends water fluoridation

by: Jonathan Benson

We can only hope that the recent surge in American communities voting to end water fluoridation is an omen to the eventual end of this abominable and toxic practice across the entire country. A recent report in the The Mercury explains that officials in Pottstown, Penn., a northwest exurb of Philadelphia with over 21,000 residents, have decided to stop fluoridating the borough's public water supply.

Reports indicate that, despite the fact that not a single Pottstown resident showed up at any of the public hearings concerning fluoride, the Pottstown Borough Authority voted to remove the toxic chemical on its own, which it had been importing from China. Pottstown had been one of only a few communities in Pennsylvania that artificially fluoridate their water supplies.

Only one board member, Aram Ecker, opposed removing fluoride -- and he did so, of course, using the same outdated and pseudo-scientific talking points peddled by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the American Dental Association (ADA), and others who continue to deny the numerous, more recent studies that show fluoride consumption causes brain damage, thyroid dysfunction, and other health problems (

The move will save Pottstown as much as $60,000 a year, which is roughly what it costs to import the liquid toxin from China, and lace it in the water supply. As a result, the borough's water department workers will also no longer have to go through the intense handling procedures that are required when dealing with highly corrosive fluoride chemicals.

Pottstown's decision came just one day after Spring Hill, Tenn., a suburb of Nashville, voted to remove fluoride from its water supply, which marks what appears to be the eventual decline of the chemical's use across the US.

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