
Friday, September 9, 2011

False flag attack in the making...

Corporate Media And DHS Push Terror Threat On 9/11 Anniversary, False Flag In The Making

Update: New York has established intense security measures including checkpoints throughout the city. Here we go, losing our freedoms for security!

According to corporate media reports, Federal and State authorities have warned local law enforcement of a possible terror attack on or around the tenth anniversary of 9/11.

As we have stated many times in the past, if there is a terror attack on or around the 9/11 Tenth anniversary it will NOT be carried out by al Qaeda alone, rather it will be carried out or helped along by rogue elements of western intelligence agencies.

False flag terror is now documented history and the fact that hundreds of thousands if not millions of people have now become aware of these dastardly tactics has caused the powers that be to ramp up their fear driven propaganda.

Fox News

Federal authorities are warning local law enforcement agencies of a potential terrorist threat involving car bombs that could coincide with the 10th anniversary of the Sept. 11 attacks, several sources told Fox News on Thursday.

The Department of Homeland Security confirmed that it had information about a “specific, credible but unconfirmed threat,” and the White House said President Obama was briefed Thursday morning and has been updated throughout the day.

“The president directed the counterterrorism community to redouble its efforts in response to this credible but unconfirmed information,” a White House official told Fox News.

The corporate media and DHS are attempting to convince the American people that credible but unconfirmed information points to three men using vehicles laden with explosives.


The official said the plot was believed to involve three individuals, including a U.S. citizen. U.S. officials believed the threat was a vehicle laden with explosives, but “the intelligence picture is not completely formed,” the official said. “Not enough is known about the potential operatives and their plotting.”

The threat is believed to entail a vehicle bomb, but “we cannot rule out other means,” a U.S. official said.

What in the hell does credible but unconfirmed even mean?

Big Sis Janet Napolitano has gone as far as to say that they have picked up “chatter” on jihadi websites.

Washington (CNN) — Intelligence officials have picked up “lots of chatter” on jihadi websites and elsewhere about the impending 10th anniversary of the September 11 terrorist attacks, but nothing yet that warrants issuing a threat advisory, Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano said Thursday.

The fear and propaganda has gone so far that New York City Mayor Bloomberg held a news conference to warn of this new “terror” threat.

How are we supposed to believe that this terror threat is real when the agencies and news outlets pimping this threat have zero credibility and have a documented history of lying?

Right now it is up to the many good men and women within our government and local law enforcement to actually stop this attack and figure out who is actually running these patsies rather then believe the groups that are most likely the culprit.


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