
Tuesday, September 20, 2011

"Barack Obama has revealed his tax plan and it is a doozy. It would raise taxes by 1.5 trillion dollars over the next decade."

The Obama Tax Plan: Is Barack Obama Plotting To Use Class Warfare As A Tool To Win The 2012 Election?

Barack Obama has revealed his tax plan and it is a doozy. It would raise taxes by 1.5 trillion dollars over the next decade. Most of these tax increases would hit the wealthy, and Obama keeps insisting that it is time for them "to pay their fair share". Of course Obama knows that the Republicans will never go for this. You see, what is going on is that Obama is laying a trap. First, he laid out a 447 billion dollar "jobs plan" that contained all kinds of goodies for the poor and the middle class. Now he has introduced a massive tax plan which specifically targets millionaires in order to pay for it. The Republicans are falling right into the trap, because instead of introducing fundamental reforms to our tax system, the Republicans have chosen to defend the status quo. Right now our current tax system allows big corporations and the ultra-wealthy to get away with bloody murder, and the Republicans have put themselves into the position of having to defend that. This is exactly what Barack Obama wants. Obama is plotting to use class warfare as a tool to divide Americans and win the 2012 election. There is no way in the world that his current plan is going to get through Congress. What he is doing now is "setting the table" for the 2012 campaign season.

One of the cornerstones of the Obama tax plan is a new minimum tax rate on those that make more than $1 million a year. Obama says that the goal is to make sure that millionaires don't pay a smaller rate than middle-income taxpayers do.

Obama is making a smart political move by going after less than 1 percent of the population and proposing tax breaks and lots of goodies for everyone else. This puts Republicans in the position of having to play "grinch" because of their obsession with "not raising taxes".

There are a whole lot more low-income and middle-income voters out there than there are wealthy voters. In addition, nearly the entire nation is pretty much disgusted with Wall Street at this point.

So is now the time to attack the rich?

Obama apparently believes that he can get a lot of traction with this stuff.

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