
Thursday, September 8, 2011

The attacks on the last bastion of free speech continue....

Rise of the digital jihadists: Homeland Security says post 9/11 America has seen a new threat from the internet

By Joanna Corrigan

A new terrorist threat of radicalisation via the Internet has developed over the decade since the September 11 attacks, according to a new survey.

Immediately after 9/11, experts believed people would only be radicalised by person-to-person contact.

But now there are fears 'digital jihadists' living in the U.S. are being recruited online and are then able to be directed from abroad.

A poll by the Homeland Security Policy Institute at George Washington University revealed a rise in homegrown terrorism cases.

Conducted ahead of the 10-year anniversary of the 9/11 attacks, the survey found there were 21 homegrown terrorism cases between September 2001 and May 2009.

The last two years have seen an alarming rise with 31 cases over the period and more than one every month, according to the Counterterrorism Intelligence: Law Enforcement Perspectives report.

The report said: 'Homegrown and foreign-directed jihadi terrorism and radicalisation are perceived as a real threat by local law enforcement in the United States.'

Police intelligence chiefs from the 56 largest cities in the U.S. were polled for the study, Fox News reported.

They raised their concerns about domestic terrorist attacks and strikes by American citizens orchestrated from overseas.

Chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, Rep. Mike Rogers, told the Intelligence and National Security Alliance in Washington: 'Yes it's a threat.

'Yes, we worry about somebody grabbing a gun and then going down some place and doing something awful but they will never just do that.

'In all the cases you have seen, there are indicators leading up to that particular event. They were radicalised in order to get there.'

At the same forum, Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano said the Internet was now pushing forward radical Islam and a new generation of terrorists.

'The increasingly savvy use of the Internet, mainstream and social media and information technology by these groups adds an additional layer of complexity to an already complex threat picture,' she said.

The report also warned there are still gaps in police forces' counter-terror capabilities 10 years after the Twin Towers came down.

A majority of the police chiefs polled said they needed greater analytical capabilities and said they did not have access to some intelligence products.

They also criticised levels of communication between different levels of government, saying information is often not shared properly.

Philip Mudd, who worked in counter-terrorism for more than two decades, said homegrown terrorism was a 'new art form'.

'This homegrown phenomenon is really only about three or four years old. So it's not just how do we respond after 10 years of the terrorism problem, it's how do we respond to the problem of the Al Qaeda revolution when we're not even dealing with Al Qaeda members anymore,' he told Fox News.

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