
Sunday, August 14, 2011

They can't ignore him now...

Establishment Running Scared of Ron Paul

Kurt Nimmo

Even the establishment newspaper, the Washington Post, is now sheepishly admitting the obvious – Ron Paul is a front-runner in the race for the GOP nomination. The Post is still in denial, however. It says Michele Bachmann will come out on top. It predicts Bachmann, Tim Pawlenty, and Paul will tussle to become winners of both the debates and the Ames Straw Poll scheduled for later today.

The establishment is running scared of Ron Paul. In the past, it either ignored or criticized Ron Paul and his dogged insistence that the United States follow the Constitution, eliminate the Federal Reserve, return fiscal sanity to Washington, and bring home the troops. Paul’s stand on these issues resonate deeply with the American people, although you wouldn’t know it if you read the New York Times or watch CNN and Fox News.

The desperation of the establishment over the grassroots popularity of Paul became obvious when the former senator from Pennsylvania, Rick Santorum, attacked him during the so-called debate in Iowa last night. Santorum, as a clueless establishment script-reader, should have realized that attacking Paul has the effect of underscoring and strengthening his pro-liberty philosophy. During a previous debate, Rudy Giuliani learned this painful lesson when he feebly tried to challenge Paul on 9/11.

The behavior of Newt Gingrich last night revealed just how pathetic the establishment is as it frantically tries to co-opt Paul’s message. The former speaker of the House said the Federal Reserve should be audited, something he would have never dared to say if not for the fact Paul has done a remarkable job in exposing the private banker cartel and millions of Americans are now demanding it be audited, if not dismantled outright. Gingrich is not opposed to the Federal Reserve. He is merely attempting to turn the cause into another promise broken by an establishment politician.

“Gingrich spoke of the poor monetary policy of the Fed going back to the 90′s,” writes theWashington Times today. “This was quite amusing because there isn’t any evidence that Newt Gingrich has even had a position on the Fed at all before this election cycle. The Speaker’s comments on the Fed were taken almost word for word from other speeches given by Dr. Paul.”

Texas governor Rick Perry – a former Democrat who worked for Al Gore – will now enter the national stage and replace the inept Mitt Romney. It is expected that Perry will announce later today. Perry, however, is rejected hands-down by many Americans who can see a snake oil salesman coming a mile away. The fake Tea Party candidate Perry scored low in a Rasmussen poll of Iowa’s Likely Caucus Participants conducted earlier this week. He came in at a paltry 12%.

In June, Ron Paul came in way ahead of the other candidates in an RLC Straw Poll held in New Orleans. Mitt Romney, the establishment Republican who is indistinguishable from his Democrat counterparts, came in at a meager 4.80% to Paul’s astounding 39.69%. Michele Bachmann, pegged as the Tea Party candidate, received 12.39%. With numbers like these, the establishment will need to go back to the drawing board if it wants to stop the growing momentum for a Ron Paul presidency.

For a second year running, Paul won the CPAC Straw Poll in February. Fox News, following its establishment script closely, tried to downplay the Paul win and its implications. “Paul’s consecutive victories in the straw poll have frustrated many GOP faithful who would rather see a more credible contender win. A CPAC official told Fox News that the big story is not Paul winning again but rather the strength of Romney’s second-place finish.”

As the Iowa debate demonstrated, not only is Romney out of the equation, but so is Rick Santorum. The elite will now push Rick Perry, a big gamble after the reign of the last former Texas governor who occupied 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue for a punishing eight years.

Americans will not go for the groomed Perry despite his fake Texas charm and coiffured hair. The establishment will have to work a lot harder to undermine Ron Paul’s campaign. Any effort is especially urgent now that disillusioned anti-war Democrats are crossing over to vote for Paul, realizing that no matter what Obama says he will not end the wars in Afghanistan, Pakistan and Iraq.

Expect Perry to lean heavily on the establishment Tea Party mantra in a doomed effort to displace Paul. The election next year – as the nation collapses under the sway of bankers at the Federal Reserve – will be all about turning things around before the elite destroy the country and trash its sovereignty. Perry might even echo Gingrich and call for a tepid Federal Reserve audit.

None of it will work. Unless the establishment does something catastrophically evil, Ron Paul will gain the nomination and go up against Barry Soetoro, aka Barack Obama, and will take the election. Not even rigged Diebold voting machines will stand in his way.


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