
Sunday, August 21, 2011

That's right. He's a globalist stooge...

Rick Perry is no Ron Paul

Kathy Jaggers

Thrilled as I was with Texas Rep. Ron Paul's good showing as a truly constitutional candidate in the Iowa straw poll, I am concerned that Texas Gov. Rick Perry will be seen in the same light.

Granted, Governor Perry is the top elected official of a right-to-work state that has no income tax. That means Texas is a good example for other states to follow.

But does Mr. Perry believe, as Congressman Paul does, that there must be a declaration of war before America invades and bombs other countries?

Does he believe that, as president, he would have the authority to give trillions of dollars to foreign countries or support the Patriot Act against American citizens?

And what did Mr. Perry do, as governor of a state bordering Mexico, to stop illegal immigration or stop the NAFTA superhighway?

Remember that, in 2008, a tea party candidate with no money and no Republican party backing got 20 percent of the vote for governor. There are many Republican candidates for president who sound constitutional about the areas they care about. But only Mr. Paul wants to restore the actual Constitution.


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