
Saturday, August 13, 2011

UPDATED: Some photos of my family's most recent expedition to Yellowstone Park...

Got back late Friday night from a six day visit to Yellowstone Park and The Tetons with the wife and kids(young adults, actually). The weather was beautiful and the crisp cool mornings were a blast of fresh air, literally. If you have never been to Yellowstone, you should add it to your to-do before you die list. As I pointed out last year, it is one of the most beautiful places on the earth. The mountains, the rivers, the falls, the wild animals and the geysers are pretty unforgettable. We saw several wolves and grizzly bears along with the bison, elk and mule deer. The highlight was watching a grizzly bear devour an elk killed by wolves while the wolves waited patiently for the spoils of their kill in the Lamar Valley. Unfortunately, for the wolves, the bear consumed everything including the bones. There were literally hundreds of folks with cameras and binoculars perched on a nearby hillside watching the action for over two days. I got up at 4:30 one morning to make the drive out to the Lamar Valley from Canyon village to watch the festivities myself. I rented a powerful pair of binoculars at the village for three days and it was well worth the money. You can't enjoy this park to its' fullest without them.

Video of Grizzly bear, wolf encounter mentioned above. Not filmed by any of us. I found this on YouTube posted by someone who witnessed the same encounter...

Another highlight occurred, as we were driving out of the park on Friday to catch our flight out of Jackson, when a black wolf made its' way across Haydon Valley and crossed the road not more than thirty yards in front of us. We were able to snap a few photos which you can view below.

For larger images click on photos.

What a cute group. Mugging for the camera in Jackson, Wyoming after riding the tram to the top of a mountain...

Another Jackson mountain top view...


Mike enjoying global warming...

My attempt at an artistic photo on the mountain...

The tram in Jackson...

Antlers in Jackson. And people wonder where all the elk have gone...

Guess who had gas?

The wolf approaching...

A closeup...

The wolf crossing in front of our car...

A closeup...

The Lower Falls from the South Rim of the canyon...

The girls taking a breather at the Lower Falls...

Looking East in the canyon...

Looking down at the rim of the Lower Falls...

Another angle...

The Upper Falls...

A steaming pool...

Old Faithful...

Standing in front of The Tetons...

That means you...

The Tetons from Jenny Lake...

More Tetons...

A mule deer getting some fiber...

A closeup...

A grizzly and her cub. You might want to click and zoom in on this one...

Getting a sulfur facial...

A nice place to rest in Yellowstone...

Hope you enjoyed the photos. I'll try to post more later.

Here are a few more...

A grizzly out for it's late afternoon snack...

Another grizzly and it's cub...



Elk in the meadow...



We made a side trip out the West Entrance to visit a wolf and grizzly bear preserve in West Yellowstone, Montana. Here's an Alaskan grizzly...

Sibling rivalry...

Grey wolves...

Here, puppy...

The girls making new friends...

The Mrs. and the crazy conspiracy theorist...

Dad and his girls...

Red Sox Nation travels well...

1 comment:

  1. Great Photos!!!! i love makes me want to go back!Looks like you all had a wonderful time! Great family memories! XOXO Cindy
