
Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Setting up the next Oswald...

Obama’s Lone Wolf Will Be a Sovereign Citizen

Kurt Nimmo

Following Obama’s exploitation of the Norway massacre and prediction of a lone wolf attack on Tuesday, CBS News suggested the attack will not come from al-Qaeda and Islamic terrorists, but from a member of the Sovereign Citizen movement in the United States.

After citing the FBI and the Fort Hood shooting, CBS said the attack may come from within:

The domestic “Lone Wolf” threat is far from limited to Islamic-linked individuals, too. As reported by “60 Minutes,” the “Sovereign Citizens” movement – a loosely knit group that doesn’t pay taxes, carry driver’s licenses or hold Social Security cards – has shown a violent and sometimes murderous dislike of law enforcement. Oklahoma City bomber Timothy McVeigh had only two known co-conspirators.

The FBI and DHS have an acronym for people and groups who dislike and distrust the government – HVEs, or homegrown violent extremists.

In 2010, the FBI posted a web page on “Domestic Terrorism” listing the sovereign citizen movement. The movement, however, was portrayed as criminal scam artists, not violent terrorists. “Sovereign citizens are often confused with extremists from the militia movement. But while sovereign citizens sometimes use or buy illegal weapons, guns are secondary to their anti-government, anti-tax beliefs,” writes the FBI.

In April, the Star-Tribune reported that the FBI is keeping tabs on the sovereign citizen movement in Wyoming. The newspaper said that most sovereigns maintain they only want a peaceful transition to a restored republic, but “the bureau has kept an eye on the movement because some sovereigns have taken the logical step from belief in the illegitimacy of the current system to acting violently against it,” according to FBI Special Agent Kathy Wright.

The FBI announced last year that the sovereign citizen movement ranks among the nation’s top domestic terrorist threats, along with animal rights/eco-terrorism, anarchists, and “lone offenders with extremist agendas,” according to the Star-Tribune.

The FBI encourages Americans to inform on their fellow citizens if they express anti-government political views the agency insists invariably turns violent.

“First, ‘be crime smart’: don’t fall for the bogus claims and scams of sovereign citizens. And second, if you have information on any suspicious activities or crimes, please contact us,” the FBI told the Homeland Security Newswire last year.

Following the attacks in Norway, the DHS told AOL-Huffington Post that “white supremacists and members of a sovereign citizen movement” pose a domestic terror threat.

“A Norway incident could definitely happen here; the same things that played into the Norway suspect’s mindset are here in this country,” former DHS domestic terror analyst Daryl Johnson, who founded a consulting firm that tracks extremist activity, told the liberal news website. “If anything, extremists are much more capable of committing violent acts here due to their access to weapons and ammunition, which they don’t have in Europe.”

The corporate media wasted little time hyping the imagined threat from “far right” groups in America following the Norwegian rampage. “The greatest threat of large-scale attacks come from individuals and small groups of extremists who subscribe to radical Islamic or far right-wing ideologies,” CNN reported on July 25.

In order to make the point that domestic groups opposed to the federal government are a looming threat, CNN turned to the Southern Poverty Law Center, an organization that has made a cottage industry out of scare mongering terrorism threats from groups and individuals they place on the right side of the political spectrum.

“Such groups are among the fastest-growing extremist organizations in the country, the Southern Poverty Law Center reported in February. Right wing anti-government groups grew by 60% in 2010 over the previous year, the center reported, attributing much of the growth to militia groups,” CNN reported, parroting skewed statistics released by the SPLC.


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