
Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Rick Perry just another globalist stooge...

Rick Perry on Al Gore, the NAFTA Superhighway, and Bilderberg

Kurt Nimmo

If Rick Perry is going to successfully project the image of a god-fearing Christian Tea Party Republican, he will have to put distance between himself and Al Gore.

In 1988, Perry not only supported Gore, he was his campaign manager in Texas. After Gore lost to Michael Dukakis and then Dukakis lost the election in a landslide to Bush Senior, Perry jumped parties. He became a Republican in 1989.

During a an interview on Des Moines-based WHO on Monday, Perry said he worked with Gore “before he invented the Internet and got to be Mr. Global Warming.” Growing up in rural Texas, Perry said “I never met a Republican until I was 25… In 1988 when you looked at the candidates, Al Gore was the most conservative candidate that was out there.”

Either Perry wasn’t paying attention or he is trying to lie his way out of his past association with Gore. In April of 1987, according to Politico, Gore was already preaching his warmist mantra.

“He laid out a broad list of national objectives, from combating AIDS and Alzheimer’s disease to curbing the ‘greenhouse effect’ — the threat to the Earth’s atmosphere from the burning of oil, gas and coal,” The Los Angeles Times reported in covering Gore’s announcement. In May 1987, according to The Washington Post, his stump speeches included a call for the nation to “confront the emerging problems of the greenhouse effect and the threat to our ozone,” notes Politico.

Perry was grilled on other issues during the interview. He declared he was “motivated by a sincere desire to stop cancer” when he issued an executive order in 2007 ordering every girl in Texas to get a Gardasil vaccine before the sixth grade. Cancer and the safety of school girls came in a distant second to a $6,000 campaign contribution by pharma giant Merck and the transnational corporation’s hiring of former Perry Chief of Staff Mike Toomey to handle its Texas lobbying work. Fortunately, Texas lawmakers blocked Perry’s effort to inject girls with the deadly vaccine.

He dismissed the NAFTA superhighway as a “myth” cooked up by conspiracy theorists. Perry didn’t mention the fact he received substantial campaign contributions from the companies pushing for the globalist highway stretching from the Texas-Mexico border to the Minnesota-Canadian border. Perry was the only gubernatorial candidate in 2006 of four major candidates who supported it. Even the Democratic candidate opposed it.

He said his support for turning over Texas roads to a foreign corporation – Cintra Concesiones de Infraestructuras de Transport – was motivated by an effort to save Texans from additional taxation and having to crawl to the “the asphalt fairy” in Washington to get roads built.

Remarkably, during the radio interview, he was grilled about his association with the Bilderberg Group. Perry said he agreed to attend the secret globalist confab out of curiosity. “I found it to be an interesting group of people. I have yet to find out why they want to keep it a secret,” he said. “I haven’t been invited back and that was 5 years ago, so I guess I didn’t impress them.”

“Speculation that Perry is the Bilderberg group’s ace card was prompted by the current political climate, which can largely be gleaned from the fact that Perry is a longtime, unwavering supporter of the NAFTA Superhighway and related infrastructure projects,”wrote AFP’s Jim Tucker in June, following Perry’s appearance at the Bilderberg meeting in Istanbul, Turkey, in 2007.

Perry’s association with the warmist guru Al Gore, his efforts to push through the NAFTA superhighway for the globalists, and his eagerness to implement the eugenics agenda of the elite by forcing school girls to take a deadly vaccine reveals that he is the preferred candidateof the international bankster plutocracy.

Rick Perry may believe his interview with a local radio station in Iowa will put to rest the avalanche of evidence that he is anything but a good old boy from Texas, a dyed-in-the-wool conservative, a Tea Party patriot and an avowed enemy of the federal government.

Now that he has grabbed center stage and will likely emerge as the establishment Republican candidate to challenge the establishment Democrat Barry Obama, the corporate media will oblige him and only throw softballs in his direction.

Corporate media Bilderberg members don’t disrespect fellow Bilderberg members.


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