
Sunday, August 14, 2011

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Tea Party Fraud Rick Perry is Political Herpes

By Robert Morrow

Austin, TX

I urge you to NOT vote for Rick Perry who is one of the biggest frauds and phonies in American politics. I am a 3-time delegate to the Texas Republican convention (2006, 2008, 2010) and I live in Austin , TX . Here why Rick Perry is completely unqualified to be president.

The first thing you need to know about Rick Perry is that he is (or has been) a flagrant adulterer. The second thing you need to know is that Perry is a man who constantly uses religion and Christian Bible talk for his own political advancement, while living a double life.

Nor does Perry understand or appreciate free market capitalism and the importance of low taxes for all; Perry is a crony capitalist and he likes to spend and borrow lots of money. Perry does not respect parental rights (HPV mandate).Rick Perry, a 25 year career politician, is for the endless, costly undeclared wars; he is for an unaccountable Federal Reserve banking cartel making multi-trillion dollar interventions in a free market; he is for the Patriot Act and its assault on your privacy.

The same man who used a presidential prayer rally (8/6/11) for his personal ambitions and who often spouts Christian buzzwords and Bible talk to advance his political career is a flagrant adulterer, having sex with women who are the approximate age of his daughter Sydney, age 24.

Rick Perry’s Adultery (& his Arrogance)

I know this because I am a patron of Austin strip clubs. My friends and excellent contacts in the Austin strip club community tell me that Rick Perry, a la Bill Clinton, has an enabling entourage who gets him “young hotties” to have sex with – both here in Austin and especially when he is on the road. I learned about this before the 2010 Texas primary. I had an attractive stripper tell me about her direct dealings with Rick Perry. She said that she was attempting a Monica Lewinsky-type act upon Gov. Rick Perry (oral sex) but that in her words Perry was “too coked up” to perform sexually! When it came time for the stripper to leave, Perry gave her an outrageous amount of money, so large in fact that it probably means that Perry is taking cash bribes or illegal gifts to fund his extracurricular activities. Perry is not a rich man and I doubt he is spending that much of his own money on the women. (Actually sweetheart real estate deals have made the man unusual money.)

Another young woman, who has had direct dealings with Perry’s enabling entourage, told me that Perry is especially flagrantly adulterous when he goes on the road. She said that Perry has sex with the “young hotties” and that Perry and his entourage are literally having orgies in his hotel room. They are either calling escort services or picking up “young hotties” impressed by an arrogant, entitled governor of Texas .

Recently a local Austin reporter was telling me that they had heard about Rick Perry and the strippers in 2006, but they never could nail it down. Well, consider it confirmed. Additionally, there are many people in Austin who are convinced that the man is a homosexual or has had gay affairs in the past. I have never met a man who has had sex with Rick Perry, but I have met women who have had direct dealings with Adulterer Rick Perry and his enabling entourage. Perry has most definitely been living a double life.

That brings up another disqualifying characteristic of Perry: he is arrogant. Rick Perry knows his adultery rap sheet and liability more than anyone else. Perry is fully aware of the tremendous amount of risk this brings to the Republican party, his political career, his personal life and reputation. Yet, Rick Perry, drunk with arrogance and entitlement, presents himself as a legitimate presidential candidate when he is anything but that. Adulterer Rick Perry is sitting on a keg of slut-fueled nitroglycerine that if it ever exploded, would make Anthony Weiner look like a mere pimple popping.

Side note: it is no secret in Austin that for years Rick and Anita Perry have been having marital problems (no wonder); but enabling Anita is wearing her “Hillary Clinton” boots as she supports his presidential run. Anita sure did not support Perry’s 2010 governor’s race, as she rarely went to campaign events and when she did she never smiled, had a robotic look on her face and obviously did not want to be there. At the moments of Rick’s greatest triumphs, Anita would be on stage with a blank look on her face, looking like a lost, unhappy child amidst all the cheering for Adulterer Rick.

Anita’s behavior was so obvious that a local columnist John Kelso wrote an article about her never smiling on the campaign trail: “Somebody needs to goose Anita Perry to get a smile out of her.”

Perry’s fraudulent behavior, his use of his Christian buzzwords and Bible talk, while living a reckless life of flagrant adultery is enough to completely disqualify the man for office. Key point: Slick Rick is arrogant and entitled.

Here is a excellent example of that fraud Slick Rick in action. Perry has been running for president for 5 years now, carefully attempting to position and market himself. He has written 2 books – one hypocritically title On My Honor: Why the American Values of the Boy Scouts are Worth Fighting For (2008 and targeted at social conservatives) and Fed Up!: Our Fight to Save America from Washington (2010 and targeted at fiscal conservatives). Remember, moral relativist Perry wrote that book about “American values” and the Boy Scouts all the while he was playing with strippers and “young hotties” the age of his daughter as per my sources.

Anita Perry clearly did NOT want Perry to run governor in 2010; in 2012 Perry is telling folks that the reason he is running is because his poor wife is telling him to! Perry is doing that because I have embarrassed him so much by telling folks what he is really like. Here is Perry pulling the wool over conservative columnist Cal Thomas’ eyes:

“Some wives don't want their husbands to run for president. Texas Republican Gov. Rick Perry doesn't have that problem. In an interview following an address to the Western Conservative Summit in Denver , he told me, "My wife is a nurse and the daughter of a country doctor. She sees Obamacare with the potential to devastate this country. ... She basically said, 'Listen, I know you love your job and you're comfortable there. But your country is in trouble and you need to get off the sideline and get in this game, serve your country and do your duty.' When someone you've known and been married to for 42-plus years (says that), it had a real impact on me. I had to go back and re-evaluate my consistent message that I don't want to be president of the United States ."”

My response to that is: a) Did Anita tell you to go play with all those strippers, prostitutes and “young hotties?” b) It was obvious from her face and attitude that Anita was NOT on board for the 2010 governor’s race, but you ignored her and ran anyhow and c) You have already been running for president for 5 years so cut out the perpetual play acting.

Tea Party fraud: I was at Rick Perry’s first Tea Party: 4/15/2009

It was noon in Austin , TX . It was a warm day in April, 2009, and most folks at the Tea Party rally were wearing short sleeve shirts and shorts (I also had a baseball cap). The downtown lunchtime crowd was in suits or business attire. Rick Perry showed up – about 4 minutes away from his governor’s office – looking like he was going quail hunting and sporting a hunting cap. Then Slick Rick starts ranting “Fed up!” “States’ rights!” “Secession!” I don’t think Bilderberger Perry believed a word of what he was saying but the crowd cheered anyhow. Rick Perry was not Tea Party before Tea Party was cool. Perry only became Tea Party AFTER Obama became president. So Perry only has a problem with “big government” when it’s a Democrat running it. Like those Wash DC Republicans, Perry likes to spend and borrow a lot of money.

That in a nutshell demonstrates what counterfeit money the man is. I have lived in Texas the whole time Perry was governor; until recently I had never heard him talk about Tea Party concerns. Perry did not care about “states’ rights” or “anti-tax” or the 10th Amendment when Republicans were spending like drunken sailors or torching the Constitution with the Patriot Act. Rick Perry supported No Child Left Behind when it first came out and he issues a press release “Perry’s Educational Plan Gains Federal Approval.” Perry had no problem with the federal government attempting to take over your elementary school.

Ron Paul has been talking about the Constitution, the 10th Amendment and states’ rights for 35 years. Rick Perry is a political cross dresser, wearing different clothes depending on which party is in power.

Rick Perry is like one of those Washington , DC Republicans – he says he is for tax cuts, but he is also for spending and lots of borrowing. Either he can’t figure out that debt service is a gargantuan tax or he just does not care and figures he will be out of office when the bill comes due.

The Worst thing Rick Perry ever did: the 2008 raid on the FLDS: Peaceful, religious home schoolers; Rick Perry/ CPS taking away 438 kids based on a crank phone call.

Rick Perry is a religious bigot and he proved it in 2008 when he supported an out of control Child Protective Services when they raided the peaceful, religious FLDS Mormon community in El Dorado based on a hoax phone call from a disturbed woman, Rozita Swinton of Colorado . If you are a conservative Christian, perhaps a home schooler, you should be extremely concerned about the religious oppression of the FLDS and Rick Perry’s gung ho support for that tragic fiasco.

Out of all the things Rick Perry has done, the attack on the FLDS families – with all the tears, trauma and family destruction that caused – this has to be the most disturbing thing Perry has done.

Rick Perry and Texas Child Protective Services (CPS) were targeting the FLDS and looking for an excuse to attack them. Hoaxer Rozita Swinton made a crank phone call, alleging one case of child abuse, on 3/29/08. By April 3, 2008, Rick Perry had ordered the entire FLDS community surrounded by police armed with automatic weapons, SWAT teams with snipers, helicopters and even an M113 armored personnel carrier.

It is worth repeating, that all of this criminal state persecution, was based on one crank phone call from a crazy lady in Colorado , Rozita Swinton, who was pretending to be a child abuse victim. So obviously, Perry and an out of control CPS were targeting the FLDS. Then they invaded this peaceful, religious home schooler community and ripped away 438 childen from dozens of families who had committed no crime at all.

Imagine a fascist, totalitarian government coming into your household or neighborhood and ripping away YOUR kids based on one crank, hoax phone call. That is exactly what happened to those FLDS families in 2008 and Rick Perry supported that move long after it was revealed that a crank phone call complaint from a crazy woman Rozita Swinton in Colorado was the basis for the invasion. And even if that ONE complaint had been legitimate, what kind of a totalitarian government would come in there and remove FOUR HUNDRED AND THIRTY EIGHT children from dozens of families? Unacceptable.

As of now, 438 of the 438 children who were taken are back with their parents, which just shows how weak the CPS case was and proves that the real motive for this raid was governmental religious oppression. The FLDS had been watched and targeted by the government who was just looking for an excuse to move in and destroy their lives.

If you are a home schooler or a conservative Christian or you just believe in freedom and “live and let live” you should be extremely concerned at the state sponsored gross miscarriage of justice that happened to these FLDS families.

Rick Perry likes to Spend & Borrow money just like Washington , DC Republicans

Rick Perry is for tax cuts, spending and borrowing lots of money just like the Washington , DC Republicans. Perry seems to think that the debt service on all this borrowing is not a tax, when really it is a gargantuan tax on Texans. Texans have the nation’s 5th largest debt load when you combine state and local debt per capita. Perry borrows huge amounts of money for toll roads, tuition bonds for college buildings, water projects. Perry even supported Texas borrowing $3 billion for cancer research, as if that were a legititimate business for the state of Texas to not just get into, but borrow to get into!

Perry is a big proponent of toll roads and debt laden public private partnerships. Rick Perry has instituted a huge tax increase in Texas in the form of toll roads; going from zero debt on roads to $30 billion in toll road debt in 10 years as Perry sells off Texas ’ public infrastructure to private monopolies. They will financially blow up later, just like real estate market did, because of the high leverage.

Perry tried in 2007 to make every 12 year old girl in Texas take a mandatory HPV vaccine shot

Mike Toomey, his former chief of staff, is a lobbyist for Merck getting paid the big bucks to force Gardisil on Texas girls

When he was running for Lt. Governer, Rick Perry said that “I believe decisions affecting you and your family should be made by you and not government. I believe that character and integrity matter.”
Rick Perry chunked that philosophy off the back of the pick-up truck because Rick Perry wanted to stick a needle in the arm of every 12 year old girl in the state of Texas and inject her with a possibly dangerous, possibly ineffective HPV vaccine Gardisil and he wanted to make the parents pay for these expensive shots which run about $360.

Rick and Anita Perry tried to make every 12 year old girl in Texas take a mandatory HPV vaccine shot. Unbelievably, Rick Perry tried to bypass the Legislature and enact this by executive decree as if he were some sort of Hillary Clinton dictator. Perry tried to do this because Mike Toomey, his former chief of staff and very close friend, is a lobbyist for Merck, the maker of Gardisil, and was being retained for hundreds of thousands of dollars. The Legislature crushed Perry’s attempt.

Merck also made a $6,000 donation to Perry through its PAC.

Rick Perry – just does not understand or appreciate free market capitalism or the importance of low taxes. What Perry does understand: Crony Capitalism and special favors for his friends.

How does this Tea Party fraud really behave? Perry loves spending and debt and likes to pretend that debt service is not a gargantuan tax. Perry likes to promote toll roads and debt laden public private partnerships. These will blow up later because of all the debt and Perry either can’t figure this out or does not care because he will be gone from office. Perry also was for borrowing $3 billion in bonds to put the state of Texas in the cancer research business. He likes tuition bonds to build school buildings and he is pushing for the state to guaranteed local water infrastructure bonds.

Perry has 24 Forbes billionaires as campaign contributors and he likes to do favors for crony capitalists at the expense of the taxpayer and average Texan. A good example of this is the Texas Enterprise Fund, which is really a slush fund for Perry and other top politicos in Texas . Basically, they just give hundreds of millions to Perry’s favored corporations. One egregious example was giving a whopping $25 million to Countrywide Financial … just before it went bankrupt. Like a good socialist, Perry loves to pick winners and losers. The TEF also gave $10 to Washington Mutual.

Slick Rick Perry was FOR the 2008 TARP bankster bailout; Then 2 months later writes Op-Ed for WSJ railing against bailouts!

This example will teach you a lot about Rick Perry: he was for the 2008 TARP bankster bailout, before he was against it. Perry wrote a letter on 10/1/08 with Joe Manchin in support of the TARP bailout!: At 9:07 PM later that day the US Senate voted for the TARP bailout. Then two months later Slick Rick writes an WSJ op-ed on 12/2/08 with Mark Sanford opposing bailouts!!

Here is Rick Perry’s letter in support of the TARP bailout as he told Congress to “act now” and pass the TARP bankster bailout.

There is a time for partisanship and there is a time for getting things done. No one likes the hand they've been dealt, and now is not the time to assign blame. It is time for Washington , D.C. to step up, be responsible and do what's in the best interest of American taxpayers and our economy.
This economic crisis is not just impacting Wall Street; it is also making life harder for everyday Americans. Americans across the country and in every demographic are feeling the pinch. If Congress does not act soon, the situation will grow appreciably worse. It's time for leadership. Congress needs to act now.

Rick Perry and Joe Manchin

The defense of the Perry people to that is that the letter that Perry and Manchin sent to Congress was such unintelligible gibberish that Perry can’t be held accountable for it! I remember that day very well, because at the same time I was calling my US Senators and urging them to NOT vote for the TARP bankster bailout.

Then later that same day Oct. 1, 2008, flip flopper Slick Rick quietly put out this press release in an attempt to cover his butt after he had already written a pro-TARP letter to Congress earlier in the day:

AUSTIN – Gov. Rick Perry today issued the following statement:

“In a free market economy, government should not be in the business of using taxpayer dollars to bail out corporate America . Congress needs to take off its partisan gloves and work together to bring both short and long term stability to the credit markets. They need to stop blaming each other and start thinking about solutions that put the taxpayers of this country first.”
Rick Perry helped to defeat ultra-conservative Justice Steven Wayne Smith

Rick Perry made robo phone calls against most conservative Supreme Court judge in modern Texas history. Smith was the equivalent of Robert Bork, probably the best judge we had in Texas in 50 years. His crime was beating RINO, Xavier Rodriguez, an appointee of Rick Perry in a primary. Perry got in a funk and vowed to bring down Justice Smith next time and he did. Rodriguez also made some pro-abortion rulings. (2004)

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